For Diesel Engine Lubrication— The Right Oil at Ports of Call means “ship-shape-going” en route The lubrication requirements for Marine Diesel Engines are just as exacting, and more important, than those for stationary Diesel Engine units ashore. In the matter of selecting the lubricant which will best meet these requirements the Marine Engineer is confronted with a condition which applies to him alone. If anything goes wrong—too much oil con- sumption—or abnormal power loss—if the bear- ings run hot or the pistons stick (and any of these can happen with the wrong kind of oil) the Marine Engineer must make the best of it and “ship with his trouble’ until he reaches the nearest port for replacement oils. Thus, it is important that the oil selected for Marine Diesel lubrication be “right” at the start. To many Marine Fngineers today, and to builders of the most prominent Marine Diesel installations, the right oil for Diesels means: Texaco URSA oliL This Diesel Engine lubricant is also being used on four of the nine motor vessels of the U. S. Shipping Board and on mercantile and naval vessels through- out the world. Ask to see a sample of this pure, clean, clear oil. Undoubtedly the finest Diesel Engine lubricant on the market today, it 1s con- tinually establishing new records in low oil consumption, in bearing and cylinder wall protection and in operating efficiency. The Texas Company’s Diesel Engine specialists are ready to render you the fullest cooperation toward equally note- worthy Diesel Engine operation, any time, anywhere, and without obligation of any kind. STOCKS KEPT AT PORTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD THE TEXAS COMPANY Marine Sales Division TEXACO Dept. KX, 17 Battery Place, New York City be Offices in Principal Cities MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927