Cummings Combination Counter & Telltale Officially approved as conforming to MARINE RADIO Emeniensy oe eee mial Order No. 104 Standard Equipment on many large fleets Many progressive steamship compa- nies operating large fleets have installed RCA Marine Radio on their vessels. RCA radio service includes: 1. Equipment. Modern continuous wave transmitting and TEGeIV INE equipment Continuous Rotary eight figure large numeral counter with no trouble- of the vacuum tube type. some reciprocating parts. Countershaft geared down | to 10 of main shaft. 2. Maintenance. Inspections, adjust- Same fhardened steel counter as used by U.S: navy on all destroyers, i attleships, etc. ments, repairs, spare parts, renewals, To determine R. P. M. hold watch in one hand and telltale on zero with at ports all over the world. other hand, release and stop atter interval of 60 seconds. We also furnish driving mechanism from main shaft to counter. 3. Operator Service. Competent, experi- ; > enced personnel selected by RCA de- Cummings Machine Works tailed to your ship. 255 Atlantic Ave. BOSTON, U. S. A. 4. Accounting. Prompt and accurate settling of accounts in all parts of the world. 5. Licenses. All government licenses se- cured by RCA. RCA coastal stations handle maritime ra- Wa ZING 7 Le Ub 8 e dio traffic promptly and accurately. EN en s The RCA Radio Direction Finder is the _ es 2 greatest aid to navigation developed in | BOSTON £-MAss. modern times. Built on the super-hetero- _ ee dyne principle, enclosed loop. All units enclosed in one cabinet. Durable and com- _ ae . . : 2 Designers of pact—simple and reliable in operation. E Oe AAY DRY poOcKs FLOATING DRY DOCKS & & & & . bee | 8000 TON FLOATING DOCK sy : eee Doty DRY DOCKS CHARLESTON DRY DOCK & RADIO CORPORATION OF . CHARCEETON, @oc AMERICA — 2 . Marine Department 66 Broad Street, New York City BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON, SAN FRANCISCO D.C. LOS ANGELES CHICAGO CLEVELAND BOSTON SEATTLE NEW ORLEANS GALVESTON NORFOLK, VA. HONOLULU,T.H. MARINE RADIO 62 MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927