MORISON SUSPENSION FURNACES FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd’s, Bureau Veritas, or any other requirements Uniform Thickness—Easily Cleaned—Unexcelled for Strength Formerly Manufactured by The Continental Iron Works (Established 1859) A valuable folder, giving working pressures for vari-~ ous sizes of furnaces, will be mailed on request. | The American Welding Company 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Works: Carbondale, Pennsylvania Telephone, Cortlandt 8110 ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF Nass scseDP ANUP ORGS PIT TEL EE SEES TOOT CESS FORGE WELDE te asa ETE ES TERETE TCT LEE REESE Become RF TIT EVERLASTINGLY TIGHT ONE-TON CONTAINERS, PULP DIGESTERS, PRESSURE STILLS, STORAGE TANKS, CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL CAR TANKS AND OTHER FORGE WELDED PRESSURE VESSELS KELVIN & WILFRID O. WHITE CO. THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY BOSTON—NEW YORK Marion Building, Main 0272 Cleveland, Ohio NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of the Mulholland Simplex and Cont t Ss “alt Security Hatch Fasteners. ontracts @ opeciatty For Ocean and Lake Trade New or seen % MONTREAL OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES | fs) ANDREW J. MORSE & SON, Inc. ate) 221 High Street BOSTON, MASS. inn Established 1837 P Propeller Wheels, Marine Engines, Brass and Iron Castings. Large variety of Grate Bars in stock. H. G. TROUT CO. (King Iron Works) 226 Ohio St. BUFFALO, N. Y. Phone: Seneca 5361 STROMBOS SUPERPOWERFUL MARINE SIGNALS Operate on 10 to 100 lbs. air pressure. Made of Brass and Bronze in 15 Model and tones. PENETRATE AND LOMINATE ALL NOISES. Heard Faties SIX to EIGHT MILES. Require 1/10 the air used in all other signals pro- ducing greater volume of tone. Nothing inside to get out of order—No moving parts, repairs or attenti i BEWARE OF INFERIOR STROMBOS SIGNALS ON THE MARKET. ‘ AMERICAN STROMBOS COMPANY, INC Diving Apparatus and Submarine Armor Fire Department Supplies The Morse Monitor Nozzle Callahan Shut-Off Nozzle . 18th AND MARKET STS. PHILADELPHIA, PA e . ¢ o " Valuable territory open to Dealers .& J. TIEBOUT W.H. MORETON CORP. 118 Chambers St., 780 Commonwealth Ave. - ene seg Re ite bes Gane New York City Boston, Mass. Phila Pa - 16 MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927