Freighter MERRIMAC 144' long, 22'8" beam, 13'3"" draft, owned by the Merrimac Chemical Company of Boston, Mass. Propelling en- gine is a Standard Full Diesel Direct Reversing Engine of 400 H. P. WHY! — The Standard engine always gives un- equalled economy, re- liability of service and increases theearning capacity of a ship:—All this is available to you. Let our Engineers show you the opportunities with the Standard Oil Engine Write for a catalog Back of the Standard Gasoline & Oil Engines is the Standard Motor Construction Company 184 Whiton Street, Jersey City, N. J., U. S.A. Aboard the “Harry Coulby”’ Babeosk Wilese Water Tube Boilers and Superheaters The Babcock & Wilcox Co. 85 Liberty Street, New York Manufacturers of Marine Water Tube Boilers Since 1895 MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927