For Sale and Miscellaneous—Help and Positions Wanted For Sale and Miscellaneous Advertisements Help Wanted Advertisements 10c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 6c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Six words must be added for box address. Position Wanted Advertisements ; : : : : 4c per word—minimum advertisement—$1.0 To insure insertion, advertisements must reach us by the P $ 10th of the month. Please have remittance accompany order. Help Wanted For Sale For Sale MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE bee SALE: poe phy sine a : oilers of all sizes, light draft wooden an FOREMAN re PECRY IEE ihe ok opersves steel tug boats for sale or charter, derrick Cranes, 55’ booms, in good condition. boats, deck scows and lighters for sale or Thoroughly competent to take full Ideal cranes for construction work. poo Cowles’ Towing Co., Ohio St., Buffalo, charge of modern marine shop and Apply Nee outside work, located in Middle West. BOLAND: & CORNELIUS STEAM TUG “ERNA”. LENGTH 55’, State experience fully. Address Box 1008 Marine Trust Building beam 13’ depth 5’. Engine 12% x 14. Boiler 387, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. Buffalo, N. Y. allowed 150 lbs. steam. All in first class con- dition. Write or wire Newago Tug Line, Inc. Ashland, Wis. DIESEL ENGINE FOR SALE. 4 CYL- inder, 9° bore x 12’’ stroke. Priced very low SALESMEN—AGENTS—DEALERS for quick sale. G. W. Ford, 41 East 42nd An old established manufacturer of well known | Street, New York. Wanted Marine and Stationary Oil Engines from 6- FISHING TUG ISABELLA 600 H. FP. ready to extend present sales Or-.| 1904 of wood, 78'4” keel 10 4” Weam ganization is open for connections in several | 6 deep upper part rebuilt in 1921 boiler 6’ x WANTED territories either on exclusive dealer or com- | 10’ 100 lbs. pressure 14 x 16 tage pressure. ia 5 ae Dae with or without motor, see A : = _ | Engine inspected until September 1927 and | about 12’ rums for equipping 10’’ suction mee Pee eo sbgperninen = fully equipped including a Pentwater steam | dredge. Would consider proposition using port, prompt deliveries and service. Address | jitter, Price $2500. H. S. Kurtz, 1034 St. | three and two drum. Address Box 386, Box 388, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. Clair Ave. N. E., Cleveland, Ohio. MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. MMMM ECM AUUUAUUNNAULUANUALOCEALAU TEAL UL AVEUL AUREL 2 UUDYUNUAUUEOESUUUUUORGAAUUUUEUUUAYUUNEENU NOLIN PUUULUEMEEOUOOUTUI ANUS AAA TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS The classified section of MARINE REVIEW is for your convenience —its value to you depends upon your use of this section. If you want to buy or sell ships or marine equipment—need a man for your organizaticon—make it known to the entire Marine Industry through the use of classified advertising in this publication. Mail copy for your advertisement in the November issue today, forms clese October 20. AUUUUAAULHGLLUUULUULAATANAAL AULATUCENUEGADSUNEAUUOLAEDU DEAD OUL DATEL EASA UUNRUUUUUUULUUEUUUEADUUOOUUUOOUGCQOOUNNG ULE aut 1e tutu HHA GLEBL TAU cz MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927 87