St gS SE SE yes 2 ees at AAT! LED OF "it A repair steamer at our Superior yard. No ° lake boat is ever out of reach of Ameri- can floating equipment. Hours and Days Everything to build ships and repair them. No job too big or too little. We work on ships in our yards, ships on any lake or in any harbor, and even ships steaming on their way. Such service does not mean something for nothing—but right work at the right time and at the right price. It is a good policy to insist, as many ship operators do, that all your repair jobs be done at the nearest American yard. You will save delay and dollars. The American Ship Building Company is Great Lakes agent for Cook’s Graphitic Iron Piston Rings and Cook’s Packing. Write us for a Catalog. SHIP BUILDING= SoutH CHICAGO SUPERIOR _ MILWAUKEE Chicago Ship Superior Ship Milwaukee Dry Dock Building Co. Building Co. Company MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927 ff