Gt A Almy Water Tube Boiler OO se canst: 72 American Bridge Co. ...:..spsccossesse 79 American Engineering Co. ........0.. 53 American Pressed Steel Co............. 66 American Ship Building Co....... 64 American Strombos Co. Ince........... 76 American Welding Co. ............000. 76 B Bapcock & Wilcox Co.’ ...c.5.cccssesveese 81 Betnichem Steel Co. ........c.secc a OL Bere Oe COPHEIIUS 5. i sascccecssscenaesess 85 C Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co............... 68 Columbian Bronze CorP...............00 85 Columbian Rope CO. vic cicscssscsevcsys 8 Re A oes cs csaschsoncsess Back Cover Crandall Engineering Co................. 62 Cummings Machine Work............... 62 D TPS PG IDG. COG. sensensasorscseveescesverenese 73 Davis Engineering Corporation...... 75 De Laval Steam Turbine Co......... 90 PPAR BEOCNCTS C0... .cisccccsseosececovsecsses 70 Detroit Ship Building Co........ S05. (oT Durable Wire Rope Co..........eeeeseseee 74 E Electric Storage Battery Co........... 55 Ellis Channel System of Steel FLA COMSTLUCEION: © sisecsicctsesdancessoens Tk F Fairbanks, Morse & Co.....Front Cover Farley, Edward P., & Co., Ince....... 85 Federal Telegraph Co. .............:cs000 64 meremand, 1, W., & Go.....cscciesesors 66 Woster Wheeler Corp. ......c...0cccescors er! ee aetcescaesusaedans 75 G General Wlectric Co. .....:csseccsseevcerees 9 Great Lakes Engineering Works 10 Griscom-Russell Co., The... 64 88 H Hazel-Atlas Glass Co. ...ccccccsessnsoes 73 Hyde Windlass Co... Back Cover i Independent Wireless Telegraph Co. 66 Isherwood, Joseph W. osscsssseseseeeeees 85 J Jerguson Gage & Valve Co......:..... 68 K Wee ee he CO yen ses sss sca secsoassensice fu Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co....... 76 L Linde Air Products Co., The.......... Be Raey ec rece tawcees Inside Front Cover M Manitowoe Shipbuilding Corp........ 60 Metal & Thermit Corporation........ 70 Moran Towing & Transportation 6 TMG eviiacritcs nim uniste 45 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Ine....... 76 Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co....... 68 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co....... 76 N National Forge & Ordnance Co...... 64 New London Ship & Engine Co...... 67 Newport News Shipbuilding & PONS IOC Oe 2 isis star cciicacsdanccarsoucseon. 49 O Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. 177 Oliver Iron & Steel Corporation.... 60 Ogporn @& liange, Ine... a 85 Pr Peabody Engineering Corp. ~ MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927 Port Huron Coal & Dock Co......... bey Asiivieietsiuaaian deeds .....Inside Back Cover Prindiville, John, & Sons................ 85 R Radio’ Corporation of America...... 62 Ritchie; TS ., 6o SONS... ccs ccccssersscces 74. Ss Sheriffs Manufacturing Co............. 74 Sperry Gyroscope Co. ........... wise Stamiord Foundry Co. ° unk kaa 719 Standard Motor Construction Co. 81 Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey).... 60 Star brass Mies Coe ac. iisistisssnseos 77 Stratford, George, Oakum Co....... 83 Prarie vent, Bo hy CO, .cccciwssticeinnn 75 Submarine Signal Corp. ...0:..,....000 74 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. 63 rE ORAS CO. UNC oid srcdevsccicesntesesessvtcnns AT POG Wo Oo Pi ocscts ices csntersstsnnseuns 12, PiMevine POree CO... jecuciecscseous 12 TOUG SHIPVAaArds COEDS Sicicusecouuw 69 Toledo Shipbuilding Co. Ine........... 65 cars Peau s MO © Rea, Bs Pane mmertteee ens es Pest 76 ayler lube & Pipe Co. sch 06a 72 U United American Lines, Ince......... 74 United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation........ 57 vv Wacwim Oil ©. i2.5.).65cccn)cae 4 WwW Walker, Thos., & Son, Litd............. 77 Washington Iron Works ..........e00+ 73 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. 59 White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co..... 76 Whitlock Cordage Co. oo.ccsiccun 70 Wemton: Heine Co. 63.0) 89 Worthington Pump & Machinery ROOD sf istics ciccescaik ee 51