Diesel-Direct and Diesel-Electric Flexible Exhaust Connection Anti-Noise Intercommunicating Telephone Switchboards and Distribution Panels Hood Type Clear View Screen 106 CORY Equipment All marine equipment manufactured by this Corporation conforms with the Marine Standards of the American In- stitute of Electrical Engineers. New Works—Old Faces briefly described Hooter Signal Engine Room Telegraph Indicators are equipped with three-way hooters which produce an unusual and clearly distinguishable signal that stands apart from diesel engine noises. Cory Flexible Exhaust Connections absorb engine vibrations and eliminate much of the damage, strain and noise that results with the use of rigid exhaust lines. Cory Anti-noise Telephones do not react to engine noises, even when in- stalled adjacent to engines. The voice of the speaker is alone sensitively re- ceived and transmitted. Cory-Kent Clear View Screens assure perfect vision during rain, sleet and snow storms. The Pilot House Type is an admirable aid to electric ship operation when placed in the vicinity of Cory Pilot House Diesel Electric Controller, Cory Engine Shaft Revolution Indicator and Cory Rudder Angle Indicator, all of which are essential to and dependent upon each other. Cory Main Powerboards, Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Systems, Fuel Oil Pressure Alarms, Lighting Fixtures, Running Lights and Panels, Wiring Ap- pliances, also form part of Cory’s com- plete Diesel Service. Write for literature. CHAS. CORY @ SON Inc. The World’s Largest Manufacturers of Signaling, Communicating and Lighting Equipment. 185 Varick St., New York Branch Offices at Principal Ports Fuel Oil Pressure Electric and Alarm Signal Manual Whistle Transmitter Operator MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927 Hooter Signal Engine Order Telegraph Engine Shaft Direction and Revolution Indicator Rudder Angle Indicator Pilot House Diesel-Electric Controller