Compare! Side by side, compare Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope to any rope on the market. Compare it thoroughly, fibre for fibre, yarn for yarn, and strand for strand. Look at this actual reproduction of a length of Columbian Rope. Notice the per- fect lay, with no more tension on one strand than another, assuring no cut in strands. See how uniform each individual yarn really is. Then, if you are still skeptical, send for a sample and place it along side any other rope. Columbian Rope will stand every test of comparison and the Columbian Guarantee surpasses all. On the strength of its own merits, take it on board, where a comparison of service will again justify your using Columbian. PRES aS sia se 5 Nem 5335-22336 mM By Invitation Member eres y Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. SSS eee 4 H 4 ) ‘t Mi " ¢ Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans By Represents 4 =NAME-PRODUCT~POLICY. ir ete MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927 9