14 Diesel Electric Drive in Tanker Point Breeze Three Engines—Each 650 B.H.P. , Engine Name of Engine—Ingersoll-Rand; Year—1927 Builder—Ingersoll-Rand Co.; Type—PR Cycle—4; No. of Cylinders—6; B. H. P.—650 Action—Single acting; Injection—Solid direct Piston Coolg.—No; Bore—17% in.; Stroke—22 in. R. P. M.—240; Piston Speed—825 feet per min. B. H. P. per Cyl.—108; Stroke to Bore—1.24 Working Strokes per Revolution—Three Weight—One engine, 129,000 lbs.; 198 lbs. per h. p. Reversing—Engine non-reversing; electric drive Air Compressors—For starting; Auxiliaries only Vessel _Name—Point Breeze; Converted to diesel electric Type—Single screw ocean going oil tanker Main Drive—Diesel-electric (motor driving prop.) Length B. P. P.—365 ft.; Length O. A.—380 ft. Beam—50 ft. 9 in.; Depth Molded—29 ft. 5 in. Draft—20 ft.; Ddwght.—7057 tons; Speed—9 kts. No. of Propellers—One; Fuel Cap.—-Abt. 7700 bbls. Fuel Consumption—Lbs. per b.h. p. per hr.—0.407 Generators—Three of 525 kilowatts with 50 kilo- watt exciters attached; r.p.m. 225: 250 volts. Each generator is driven by vwne oil engine of size and type shown and described. DESCRIPTION Three engines of this size and type each di- rect connected to a generator were in- stalled in the tanker PoINt BREEZE. The en- gine is of the single acting, trunk piston, solid injection type and operates on the four stroke cycle. Ig- nition is by heat of compression only. No external heating ele- ments are required. Electric Propulsion Motor—One, double armature 1800 s.h.p. at 90 r.p.m. 750 volts. This mo- tor and the three attached generators were fur- nished by the General Electric Co. Remarks The Atlantic Refining Co. first inaugurated diesel electric drive in the ocean going tanker, J. W. VAN Dyke. Since this initial installation the company acquired from the shipping board three steam tankers each of about 7000 deadweight tons, the J. M. CONNALLY, SHARON and BESSEMER, with the definite understanding that they were to be converted to diesel electric drive. The POINT BREEZE, ex J. M. CONNALLY, the first of the three new diesel electric tankers, the conversion work on which was carried out by the Atlantic Refining Co. at its Point Breeze plant, was placed in operation late in July. The ca- pacity after conversion was increased 5000 barrels so that her present capacity is 60,000 barrels. In addition to good fuel economy the advan- tages claimed for diesel electric drive in the ‘Pornt BREEZE is greater maneuvering qualities, pilot house control, guarantee against shutdown. Sepang pd Be $4 j POINT BREEZE Tanker Pornt BreezeE—Three diesel engine generating sets—One 1800 S.H.P. propulsion motor 4 MARINE REVIEW—November,: 1927 . PS to