comm tice ttt ett te CC RR Ce TCL CC TA ETT, css caster nee This modern armada constitutes more than half of the American- built Diesel-electric shp. and practically every class of vessel is represented, from luxurious yachts to huge tankers. Diesel-electric Marine Propulsion Wes AILING the seven seas, the Great Lakes, and the inland water- \J ways, is a mighty fleet propelled by Westinghouse Diesel- electric drive. Write for new Special Pub- lication No. 1776, describ- ing this mighty Westing- ouse Diesel-electric fleet in detail. ighty Powered by Westinghouse Diesel-electric Drive The benefits of this type of drive are so num- erous and broad that naval designers have been able to solve the particular propulsion pro- blems of each class of vessel to great advantage through Westinghouse Diesel-electric drive. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company East Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Sales Offices in All Principal American Cities Service Stations in Principal American Ports ohouse %99875 MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927 | 43