rs the rato. on in gene. ii rators gene liary One of the four ma xi FRESNO. and au on motors. : one of the two double-armature, main w of ‘ie Vi . ri this me, ti 1c VES- ca i t Gen- ssioned he first hip was e-ink that ce t l-electr: . . mm1 or form of are largely resp impressive i ics i ns tha go t ti eral Electric has made to is ince hi 68 other Diese sels have beenc “2 electr in serv ° years a or .t f ble Oo or are under construction. si The contribu the perfection and appl tion of this super drive Diesel placed countr Seven record. < = © 6) ELCERC TR IC 1927 if IEw—Novem ARINE REV M