the modern ferryboat drive Chosen for the Southern Pacific and North- western Pacific Ferryboats Fresno, Stockton, Santa Rosa, and Mendocino. It took less than a day to demonstrate the superiority of the new Southern Pacific Diesel-electric ferryboat Fresno. Her capacity for automobiles fairly astonished operating men, for Diesel-electric construction has provided a spacious main deck practically free of obstructions. The Fresno is the first of six Diesel-electric ferryboats built for the Southern Pacific and Northwestern Pacific for operation in San Francisco bay. Four are completely electrified by General Electric. One of the most important advantages of G-E Diesel-electric drive is the increased maneuvering ability which it affords. It has also solved the difficult problem presented in double-ended operation by simplify- ing concentration of the available power on the propeller that is actually driving the ship. These advantages, with the operating economies and flexibility that are inherent qualities of this equipment, explain the increasing The spaciousness and freedom preference of operating men for G-E Diesel-electric—the modern from obstructions of the main 5 deck are clearly shown. This also drive. illustrates the effectiveness of cor- ; rect lighting with MAZDA lamps. ; TRIC et SA LES OF Fic. Fs IN PR.EN C1 A OS Te ee BP oO MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927 , 49