52 Diesel Direct Drive 1 in Fishing Boat Del Monte ne Engine—225 B. H. P. Name of Engine—Union; Year—1927 Builder—Union Gas Engine Co.; Cycle—4 No. of Cylinders—6; B. H. P.—225; I. H. P.—290 Action—Single; Injection—Mechanical (solid) Piston Cooling—No; Bore—10% in.; Stroke—15 in. R. P. M.—280; Piston Speed—700 feet per min. Pressure Indicated—105; Pressure Brake—81.6 B. H. P. per Cyl.—37.5; I. H. P. per Cyl.—48.3 Mechanical Efficiency—78%; Stroke to Bore—1.43 Wkg. Strokes per Rev.—3; Lgth. O. A.—16 ft. 4 in. Hght. O. A.—8 ft. 0 in.; Width O. A.—54 in. Weight—One engine 34,550 lbs.; Lbs. per b.h.p —154; Lbs. per I. H. P.—119.5 Reversing—Direct; Air Comp.—For starting air DESCRIPTION One engine of this size and type is in- stalled in the fishing boat DeL Monte. It is of four cycle, trunk piston, direct reversi- ble, airless injection, single acting type. A feature of the design is the overhead com- shaft construction giv- ing uniform period of opening for the me- chanically operated fuel valve. Fuel in- jection valves are lo- cated in the center of the cylinder head. Vessel Name—Del Monte; Type—Fishing boat Main Drive—One diesel engine direct connected Length O. A.—86 ft. 0 in.; Beam—21 ft. 6 in. Draft—8 ft. 6 in.; Deadweight—125 tons Speed—10% Fuel Capacity—100 barrels or 14 tons Fuel Consumption—Lbs. per b. h. p. per hr.—0.43; Tons per day—1.04; Radius without refueling— 4000 miles knots; No. of Propellers—One Remarks The Det MONTE is an able seaworthy, wooden vessel used in tuna and sardine fishing off the coast of Mexico with San Diego as headquarters. Some Standard Sizes of Engines Built Cycle No. Cyl. four three four four four four four six Weight 22,200 27,200 36,500 13,800 B.H.P. R.P.M. Cycle No. Cyl. 150 330 # four six 225 280 four six 300 260 four six 400 225 four six Weight 20,900 34,550 46,800 66,500 MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927