View of the deck above the chart room on the S. S, Leviathan, flagship of the U. S. Lines, showing enclosed loop of the RCA Radio Direction Finder. Sixteen. distinctive features of the RCA Radio Direction Finder: 1. Elight-tube Super-Heterodyne re- ceiver, using UX-201-A tubes, giving maximum sensitivity and selectivity. 2. Enclosed loop. Loop enclosure and support constructed entirely of non-corrosive silicon aluminum. 3. Wires in loop are shielded by metal covering from the effects of stacks, Stays, masts and other metal ob- jects. This improves accuracy in readings, 4. Mechanical compensator. Per- mits direct readings without refer- ence to calibration chart or correc- tion curve. ao . Reading glass magnifies scale on the compass card, enabling bear- ings to be read with greater speed and accuracy. 6. Exide battery, which is automat- ically trickle-charged when re- ceiver is notin use. The only at- : 23 tention required is the addition of Commodore Herbert Hartley operating Wate Se ene eee ee the RCA Radio Direction Finder. 7. Compass card engraved with both degrees and points of the compass. Illuminated by electric light at night. 8. Automatic signal to radio room to ° notify operator to open antenna OmmMmo O y eC ) eC y dalses switch, and positive inter-lock be- tween opening of antenna switch and direction finder through a re- lay in the direction finder filament RCA Radio Direction Finder} - Special balancing device permits readings which fall to absolute zero within one degree, so that “We have found the RCA Radio Direction Finder even an unskilled person can : : os read bearings with accuracy. to be accurate and satisfactory in every way i eae sea Slx room operates loop easily—even , ona during a heavy gale or violent ( signed ) EF eS pitching and rolling of the ship. 11. Ball-bearings are used throughout on the loop drive shaft and control RCA Radio Direction Finders have been installed onthe - eee vessels of forty-one steamship companies and four U. S. 12. Highest quality materials and workmanship throughout give the instrument a fine appearance Government departments operating vessels on the Atlantic, fe ee * . intenance. Pacific, the Great Lakes and the Gulf. The captains of ee 13. Variable sensitivity permits bear- these vessels all agree that the RCA Radio Direction ings on distant stations or nearby ‘ A stations as desired. Finder is as accurate in fog or storm as sight bearings on Re me ot Ss R ter. clearest days. Its durability and performance are guaran- These unite ae (utepohangeokie, teed by RCA. . 15. Receiver controls mounted ‘on a slanting panel afford easy manipu- lation of the receiver. The contro] We will be glad to take up with you in detail just how the | Rationsletor dea mine ae, . : $ - : . hat t ator can RCA Radio Direction Finder will afford your ships greater turn quiekly and accurately to the ° wave lengt. esired. eceiver safety and speed up running schedules between ports. control panel is provided with a cover equipped with a lock so that the entire instrument, including the receiver controls, can be locked to prevent tampering by A : Phi i Cleveland unauthorized persons. Closing the Beleimore dgedagse : Hise Seatile receiver cover automatically turns Washington, D.C. New Orleans San Francisco Galveston off the tube filaments and puts Chicago Norfolk, Va. Los Angeles = {onolulu, T. H. battery on trickle charge. This is another means of assuring that the battery will be fully charged at all times. 16. The RCA Radio Direction Finder is backed by the name and repu- tation of the Radio Corporation of America—your assurance of the finest instrument obtainable. RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA =~: Marine Department ~ 66 Broad St., N. YiC. MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927 : 77