The Two Ends Put Together The new forward end was launched, floated to the dry dock, and there at- tached to the rebuilt after end. and Afloat ~ Again ‘< Here we have the complete new ship— rechristened the Sir Trevor Dawson. Now, as the Charles L. Hutchinson, this vessel is active in the Lake trade—as good a ship as ever. vi Y y HE men and tools that do these big repair jobs are best able to do the smaller ones. We have everything required to build ships and repair any part of them well and quickly. Yards, dry docks—forge, foundry and machine shops—float- ing equipment—at seven strategic points as listed below. It is a good policy to insist, as many ship operators do, that all your repair jobs be done at the nearest American shipyard. You will save delay and dollars. fk 7 7 SHIP BUILDING Soutu Cuicaco SUPERIOR MILWAUKEE Chicago Ship : Superior Ship Milwaukee Dry Dock Building Co. Building Co. Company MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927