a she rolls or pitches in heavy seas, if her seams are tight she’ll ride it right and keep her cargo dry. Old Timers, up and down the coast and ’cross the seas, know that STRATFORD OAKUM right-caulked into the seams, will make the ship tight and keep the cargo dry. Nearly a century of service has proved its superiority and reliability. Be sure you: get Stratford Oakum. Do not ac- cept a_ substitute. There is none “just as good.” George Stratford Oakum Company Jersey City, New Jersey Also manufacturers of Cotton Wiping Waste. But I that lighten and revel and roll With the foam of a plung- ing sea No sign is mine of a breathing soul That God should pity me. Swinbourne. SS i Rowan PROCESS FORGE WELDED | Morison Suspension Furnaces For Scotch Marine Boilers Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd's, Bureau Veritas, or any other requirements. These are the old reliable Suspension Furnaces formerly built by the Conti- nental Iron Works (established 1859). They are made by the same process and with the same equipment, which was purchased from Continental when that concern retired. The old policy of supreme quality is being maintained, and deliveries can be made very promptly. A useful folder, giving working pressures for various sizes of furnaces, will be mailed on request. The American Welding Company 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Telephone, Cortlandt 8110 Works: Carbondale, Pennsylvania | ROWLAND PR PROCESS FORGE WELDED BOS IEC OSEE TENORS EVERLASTINGLY \ cians / MARINE REVIEw—November, 1927