wore’ Dry Docking |} — er Carpenter Ship a, and Repairing =— Joiner Work Fuel Oil Installations Tank Construction Diesel Installations New York Special Turbine oe cee Machinery Balancing Good Ships Deserve Good Workmanship. Installations BOILER TUBES KELVIN & WILFRID O. WHITE CO. Seamless Steel—Charcoal Iron—Lapwelded Steel BOSTON—NEW YORK Marine and Stay Tubes with Marine Certificates NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT E. F. KEATING CO. Cont t Ss Q -alt Est. 1885 ontractS @ cia 446-454 Water St., New York, N. Y. dibshel Gago oy Po ‘4 eS Se oe ew ee MONTREAL Vessel and Insurance Agents John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius BOLAND & CORNELIUS VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS Marine Insurance Agents Marine Trust Building BUFFALO, N. Y. Edward P. Farley & Co. Incorporated Steamship Owners, Agents and Bikes 11 Broadway—New York CHT CACO cLevrt anh OSBORN & LANGE, Inc. Marine Insurance INSURANCE - AVERAGE ADJUSTERS JOHN PRINDIVILLE & SONS Hulls and Cargoes (All Classes). Direct facilities for placing insurance in all home and ‘foreign markets. essel Agents and Broke | y id de INSURANCE EXCHANGE f C in E ee oe ec Sines 175 West Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO, ILL. MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927 101