Motor Ship Caliche, 7000 d. w. t., equipped ‘oth 1800 H. P. McIntosh-Seymour Diceel Engine. Lubricated with Texaco Ursa Oil. GRLACHE TEXACO URSA OIL Lubricates the Diesel Engine of the M. 8S. CALICHE When the converted Motor Ship Caliche Crankease:. 5: Texaco Ursa Oil went into commission in the Spring of | Air Compressors. . Texaco Ursa Oil 1927, Texaco Ursa Oil was selected to lubricate the 1800 H. P. Diesel Engine. The Caliche is owned by the Anglo- Today Texaco Ursa Oil is stillthe exclu- Chilean Consolidated Nitrate Corporation sive Diesel lubricant. Texaco Ursa Oil is and operates between San Pedro, Cali- refined especially to meet the exacting re- fornia and Tocopilla, Chile. quirements of Diesel Engine lubrication. This installation is 100% Texaco. The Caliche power plant is lubricated as fol- Texaco Ursa Oil has all the qualities of a perfect Diesel lubricant and its low car- lows: : : : bon residue is absolutely exceptional. Cylinders... .... . Texaco Ursa Oil, Heavy The clear golden color is the visible indica- TAOBTINGS 6 a 8 Texaco Ursa Oil tion of supreme purity. TEXACO LUBRICANTS THE TEXAS COMPANY Marine Sales Division 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK CITY Offices in Principal Cities THERE IS A TEXACO- LUBRICANT FOR EVERY PURI Ose MARINE REVIEW—March, 1929 51