DEAN BROS. MARINE PUMPS ‘*The Dean of Pumps on Land and Sea’’ Single Style & Duplex Piston Type & Plunger HE eciec uke skill which 7 created so many marvels of illumination on land has designed, with equal care, a complete line of searchlights for ship p rotection, at: sea. - To the night, through Bae : 7 channels: and past marker j buoys, the pilot must hav al j Figure No. 2311 Horizontal Single Style Double Acting Outside End Packed Plung- er Trombone Pot Valve Pump For Boiler Feed & Pressure Service. : eon which. he can rely. A a G- E searchlight, vith: its in- tense beam, gives just the con- FSTABLISHED /869 DEAN BROS. COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS /ND. fidence he needs. : : General Electric manu _. factures complete turbin. - propulies machinery electric ships’ _ ot the services of a marine- engineer specialist will be promptly furnished if = =~=—=SCorequiested of the neares _GCGkEofice Meeting Your Requirements That’s our job. Regardless of the size or type of Marine equipment you plan to build, ¥y we can meet your requirements. = Our experienced organization and shop equipment insure workmanship that makes Manitowoc-built ships and marine equipment outstanding in marine circles. Let us figure on your requirements. MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING CORP. Manitowoc, Wisconsin | MANITOW' 70 MARINE REVIEW—March, 1929 OC