Maintain Tractor Equipment for Best Performance Results ROPER maintenance of vessels Pa: their equipment has_ been found to pay dividends to the shipping industry for many years. Al- though appearance counts, it is the lower depreciation, insurance against failure and interruptions to service and the elimination of costly repairs which have made the care of every- thing on a ship a matter of such prime importance to the shipowner. It is sometimes wondered if the same care is given to the equipment which is on shore, particularly to elec- tric trucks and tractors which load and unload these same ships. The electric industrial truck has estab- lished a reputation for ruggedness, which perhaps has led to neglect. The more simple a piece of equipment the less maintenance it requires, but it is nevertheless true that some at- tention given this type of equipment will show surprisingly high returns. Probably the storage battery indus- trial truck requires as little attention as any piece of equipment used by the shipowner. The very simplicity of its design—a battery, a motor, a set of gears and a controller—makes the task of maintenance a simple one compared to equipment in the engine room for instance. The author, C. B. Crockett, is the secretary of the Industrial Truck association, New York. This article was written for the Dock Manage- ment section of MARINE REVIEW at the request of the editor. By cB. Crockett But even a motor or set of gears will not perform satisfactorily without Service Record of 21 Electric Tractors Total truck hours of operation.......... 85,395 Total truck hours ready but idle........ 41,664 Total truck hours servicing and main- tenance charging batteries, etc....... 7,931 Cost per Total Hour of Cost Operation Repair abot ss ces $3859.99 .045 Repair material........ 3646.59 . 043 Maintenance labor...... 6.59 . 000 Maintenance material... 8.89 . 000 Supplies... soe. fees 109.29 . 001 Storage battery main- tenance and repairs... 511.76 . 006 Total Maintenance and RREDAICE: ois. hss $8143.11 .095 Total Electric Current BUR ere ae eee $3781.35 .045 Hlectric: lights. sce. se 55.44 .001 AUTO tPUGkKs fates vale 1.06 . 000 Shop overhead......... 84.46 .001 Stores adjustment...... 161.60 .002 Accident and hospital... 569.57 . 007 Total Plant Overhead . $872.13 O11 Tractor depreciation.... 3806.25 .030 Battery depreciation.... 9409.92 .075 Charging equipment de- PLEClAtiON fcci< ie se at 812.50 . 006 Interest on the invest- MENG st cuys sac etears 4170.00 .033 Total Fixed Charges... $18198.67 .144 Foremen, clerks, operators and helpers.......... $51329.13 .601 Extra pay and learners.. 18.83 eee Miscellaneous labor..... 1645.99 .019 Total Operators Labor $52994.55 -620 SUMMARY OF TOTAL COSTS Maintenance and Repairs 8143.00 .095 Power Costécnc ace col. 3781.35 045 Plant Overhead......... 872.13 Oi: Fixed Charges.......... 18198.07 . 144 Equipment Cost...... $30995.26 .295 Operators Labor...... 52994.55 -620 TOTAL COST........ $83989.81 .815 MULTIPANEL CHARGING EQUIPMENT INSURES PROPER CHARGING OF EACH BATTERY AND REQUIRES NO ATTENTION AFTER TRUCKS HAVE BEEN PLUGGED IN ON LINE 88 MARINE REVIEW—July, 1929 fresh grease or oil, controllers must have fingers replaced and the few simple rules suggested by the manu- facturers of storage batteries will, if followed, increase the life of the cells far over that guaranteed. Regular Inspection Necessary There may be peculiarities in the marine field regarding handling meth- ods and some argument as to whether certain methods common in industrial plants could be applied in the shipping industry. It cannot be contested, how- ever, that if the same kind of equip- ment is employed in both instances that a comparison of the operating and maintenance costs of such equipment may be made. For that reason the writer has purposely chosen examples from industry in general as well as the shipping field. Before discussing the cost of mainte- nance and other operating expenses it might be well to outline briefly the es- sentials which insure satisfactory per- formance of this equipment. Mainte- nance of the truck itself includes the periodic inspection of bearings, gears, brakes and controller. Gears and bear- ings should be periodically cleaned thoroughly with kerosene and refilled with clean grease. Brakes and bear- ings should be taken up as required, particularly after a new truck has been in operation for a little time. Controller fingers are quickly and eas- ily replaced and should be inspected regularly. If a truck is constantly overloaded this fact will often be revealed in the condition of the contactors and the operator should be checked. Care of the batteries includes proper charging, testing, flushing, cleaning and maintenance of the electrolyte at proper level and strength. Nothing is as dependable as a storage battery when given a minimum amount of at- tention and no piece of equipment is as abused by utter lack of care. No better manual can be found than the suggested rules furnished by the two leading manufacturers of storage bat- teries and these may well be posted in a conspicuous place near where the trucks are charged. Nearly all modern industrial instal- lations provide for the charging of