RO id RIVER ROUGE PLANT Foot of Great Lakes Avenue Telephone Cedar 0011 After 5 P.M. Call CHARLES E. BAISLEY, Plant Manager 584] Second Blvd., Detroit, Mich........ Northway 4872 M. W. LACY, Assistant to Plant Manager 326 Chestnut St., Wyandotte, Mich. .. Wyandotte 374-W Plants Ready for FRANK M. SCOTTEN, Mechanical Engineer » \" 227 Military Rd., Dearborn, Mich......... Dearborne447 mM 't eC \ GEORGE CAIN, General Yard Supt. cc he ; M 71 Elm St., River Rouge, Mich........-+++ Cedar 4290-J : JOHN GREIG, Docking Foreman. : ® 110 Walnut St., River Rouge, Mich....... Cedar 5558-W Cc alys FRED ERNST, Supt. Machine Shops 6230 Fort St., W., Detroit, Mich ...........- Cedar 0106 ALLEN TUCKER, Watchman 112 Walnut St., River Rouge, Mich....... Cedar 5245-W Day and Night | DETROIT PLANT Foot of Rivard Street Telephone Randolph 4400 After 5 P.M. Call ROBERT JACKSON, Plant Manager 2235 Montclair Ave., Detroit, Mich ....Hickory 3551-M ROY MCDOWELL, Chief Clerk 122 Moy Ave., Windsor, Ont........+. Burnside 1837-W | R. PEET, Solicitor Park Avenue Hotel, Detroit, Mich........ Cadillac 8400 O. WOERFUL, Plant Supt. 2971 Seyburn Ave., Detroit, Mich........ Lincoln 3943-J ose roxy ah ole ASHTABULA PLANT Telephone Main 1132 F. C. PAHLOW, Plant Manager 568 Main St., Ashtabula, Ohio.......... Ashtabula 3192 M. H. PILKINGTON, Chief Clerk 20 Baker St., Ashtabula, Ohio........ Ashtabula 2444-R \\ E. D. MACKENZIE, Yard Supt. 11 Fargo Ave., Ashtabula, Ohio. ........ Ashtabula 1652 ‘GEORGE OLDMAN, Master Mechanic 89 State Rd., Ashtabula. Ohio......... Ashtabula 2117-J -e cts bh ee wo oe ‘CLEVELAND OFFICE 1963 Union Trust Building Telephone Main 1522 After 5 P.M. Call B JOHN DT WEBSEER Gove or cise acne Fairmount 0849 x ow NY ( GREAT LAKES ENGINEERING Works Shipbuilders and Engineers Engine Works Equipped For General Heavy GENERAL OFFICES Complete Shipbuilding Machine and Foundr: Ri R ba © Dry Dock and Repai ana Foundry iver Rouge, Michigan ea River Rouge, Mich., and Detroit, Michigan Cleveland Office: Union Trust Bldg. Ashtabula, Ohio 18 MARINE REVIEW—January, 1930