S pioneers in every phase of oxy-acetylene welding and cut- ting, the thor- oughly experi- enced engineer- ing and service organizations of these companies ean help you in the proper ap- plication of ox- welding to your present work and to new pro- duction activi- ties. LINDE OXYGEN ‘The Linde Air Products Company a eat ee ‘Apparatus and Supplies | ep Oe ee oe ‘Oxweld Acetylene Company JuetOte et Dissolved Acetylene == =. ~~ UNION CARBIDE The Prest-0-Lite Company, gayi ae Union Carbide Sales Company ke Units of Se UNION CARBIDE. AND. CARBON. CORPORATION: General offices : me Uccl / |. Sales officesin . 30 East 42nd Street... eC ‘Principal cities New York, N.Y. | throughout the country 64 Linde plants —45 Prest-O-Lite plants—154. Oxygen Warehouse stocks 138 Acetylene ee house stocks—38 apparatus Warehouse stocks —235 Carbide Warehouse stocks Vol. 60, No. 1, January, 1930, issue of MARINE ofl REVIEW, published monthly at Cleveland, Ohio. Entered as second class matter at the post ON, Cleveland, Ohio, under the act of March 8, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 a year in U. S.; Canada, $4.00; Great Britain, £1; single copies,