ADE of Genuine Puddled Wrought Iron, Lebanon Rivets are tough, long-lasting and offer the maximum re- sistance to corrosion. They are a guality product— uniformly free from defects and are sold at a reasonable price. They can be depended upon to cut maintenance costs on repairs below the water-line. 3 Meet Lloyd’s and American Bureau Classifications, unconditionally. Lebanon Rivets are real rivets. Our Mills at Lebanon and Scranton carry large stocks and can meet your fullest requirement. Send for Illustrated Folder, “‘Wrought Iron Stands the Test of Time.’’ Wrought Iron Company of America Largest Producers of Wrought Iron Bars in the United States. General Offices: Lebanon, Pa. Works: Lebanon and Scranton, Pa., and Rome, N. Y. Sales Offices: PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK, 393 Seventh A Commercial Trust Building Phone: Penn 5919 vee BOSTON RICHMOND, VA. MOBILE, ALA. 161 Devonshire Street 14 MARINE REVIEW—March, 1930