A MARVEL OF SIMPLICITY ee to the inexperienced eye, | the engine room of the all- electric ship is a marvel of sim- plicity and completeness. A few electric cables and switches have supplanted the usual network of pipe lines and valves. From a single panel, the operating engineer can diagnose conditions in every part of the power system. For here the mighty force that drives the modern ship is cleanly generated and simply controlled. Here is the source of that flexible performance, uniform efficiency, smooth speed, and amazing en- durance peculiar to the all-electric vessel. And here is the secret of its unequalled operation—free from noise and vibration. In this transitional period, the exceptional facilities and practical experience of General Electric are at the disposal of ship builders and ship owners who would keep in step with maritime progress. 173-7 JOIN US IN THE GENERAL ELECTRIC HOUR, BROADCAST EVERY SATURDAY AT 9 P.M., E.S.T. ON A NATION-WIDE N.B.C. NETWORK GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, SCHENECTADY, N. Y., SALES OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES MARINE REVIEW—March, 1930 15