10th of the month. Wanted WANTED: WOOD BARGE APPROXIMATE- ly 20’ x 60’ x 5’. Must be located on Lake Erie. The R. C. Huffman Construction Com- pany, 556 Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED: STEAM OR DIESEL TUG 450- 550 H.P. with draft not exceeding 11 feet. First class condition for delivery on Eastern Seaboard. Address Box 416, MARINE RE- VIEW, Cleveland. Help Wanted SALESMEN EARN BIG MONEY SELLING our new Waterproof grease to the Marine trade, superior quality of our product proven by quick demonstration. Hot or cold water does not affect it and it is 100% lubricant. Dandy side line. The Warren Refining & Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Classifie For Sale and Miscellaneou For Sale and Miscellaneous Advertisements 10c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Six words must be added for box address. To insure insertion, advertisements must reach us by the 8 : oe For Sale TUG MANOMET FOR SALE 7150 H.P.—New Boiler The Central Dredging Co. Chicago oe FOR SALE STEEL TOW BARGE “SWEDEROPE” 227 ft. long, 38 ft. beam, 19’6” deep DETROIT SULPHITE TRANSPORTATION CO. 9125 W. JEFFERSON AVE., DETROIT, MICH. ee FOR SALE 5000-Ton Bulk Carrier Steamer Rockefeller Toledo, Ohio Recently rebuilt. The Central Dredging Co. Chicago, IIl. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS lvertisel s—Help and Positions Wanted Help Wanted Advertisements 6c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Position Wanted Advertisements 4c per word—minimum advertisement—$1.00 Please have remittance accompany order. ents For Sale FOR SALE: MARINE ENGINE boilers of all sizes; light draft wooden steel tug boats for sale or charter; derrick boats, deck scows and lighters for sale or char- ter. Cowles Towing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE.—STEAMER ADVANCE. 175 FT. LONG. 35 FT. BEAM. COMPOSITE BUILT. CAPACITY 1200 TONS COAL. READY TO GO IN COMMISSION. W. BING. LEY & SON, WILLIAM ST., CORNWALL, ONTARIO. 2 FOR SALE OR CHARTER Burger.” For particulars address R. G. Cheboygan, Mich. Tug Evans, MOTOR TUG—WOOD—400 IHP BOLINDER rege gan “ by pee 1924—Going condi- ion—Rutland’s aritime Exch - Street, New York. Se FOR SALE STEAM TUG SUITABLE FOR towing or fishing. 80 ft. long, 16% ft. beam, 9 ft. draft. Three inch white oak plank, in best condition. 130 lbs. steam, 1414 by 16. Engine fully equipped. Boat in commission now. Box 418, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, Ohio. The classified section of MARINE REVIEW is for your convenience —its value is proving very worthwhile to everyone who uses it to buy and sell. If you want to buy or sell ships or marine equipment—need a man for your organization—make it known to the entire marine industry through the use of classified advertising in MARINE REVIEW Mail copy for your ‘advertisement i 2 in the A i reaches us before March 20. Ae ate Sedayi eo 88 MARINE REVIEW—March, 1930