scientific research really does pay. The trade press is another valuable source of information. A good share of the great improvement in industrial methods in this country has been due to the collection of facts by the trade press and the stimulation of thought and activity resulting. the progress of any The greater industry, the greater has been the use of the trade press. Associations and engineering so- cieties are also important sources of facts because of the interchange of in- formation and ideas by means of papers, discussions and joint trips to plants that have developed better fa- cilities and methods. Salesmen of equipment manufac- turers constitute a further source of much profitable information. The best of these are almost invaluable becaus2 of their wide experience and ability t9 get facts. A very important source of facts and ideas is the personnel of the organiza- tion itself, from the highest down to the least important member. This vast source of experience remains almost untouched because of a lack of reali- zation of its great value, or because of failure to understand the means by which this source of many profitable facts may be effectively utilized. It is important to obtain the benefit of the workman’s unique advantages for gat- ting facts about the details of the work and for forming judgments based on these facts. In a large organization particularly, executives have not the time nor sufficient assistants to dig out this information. However, this has been accom- plished in the best managed organiza- tions by the combination of authority with responsibility, incentives of money and other character and the square deal. Bosses who get insulted when sug- gestions and information are offered from within the organization are hin- dering the utilization of this important source of information. In Mr. Fer- guson’s article in the August issue of MARINE Review, the value of stimu- lating suggestions by suggestion cam- paigns with suitable rewards, etc., was 54 MARINE REVIEW emphasized as a practical measure. Forcing decisions upon subordinates often results in performing work in the wrong way. If the subordinate at- tempts to prove that the decision is not in accord with the facts, he is firmly and many times not too politely, put in his place. This is distinctly bad man- agement. It is not in accord with TTT Eee PEL The Best Way of Handling Boxed Automobiles Can be Determined Only by AHaving Information from Many Sources VOUT PETTTEEETTEETE TT Research is Needed to Develop a Sys- tem of Ventilating Ships’ Holds That Works in Bad Weather as Well as in Good TYUUSIVULAUT EDEN TESTE TUVALA Broader Experience Might Point to a Better Type of Sling TTMVUTYTVVLTTT LEN ULESUT A HENT LEEDS HT the facts of management as developed by scientific Management. One of the fundamental principles of scientific Management is the recognition of the Principles of human relations. The mental attitude of the worker toward his boss and working conditions is probably the most important single factor S0verninge the employee’s efti- ciency. Finally, because many facts and ideas escape one if memory is de- September, 1930 pended upon, it is important that the facts and ideas collected be recordeg in proper form. Properly designed ree. ords make more facts and ideas avail- able for future use and make them more easily available for the use of others. The organization or the man with the best records has the best experi- ence on which to base success. Lubrication of Trailers (Continued from Page 52) reason mentioned above, and I be. lieve this can be best illustrated by the difference between a spur gear drive and a worm gear drive. Ip the case of the spur contact between the gears is of a rolling nature where there is not so much _ continuous pressure On any one point, whereas with a worm gear the pressure is not only of a rolling nature, but also of a thrust nature and you can readily recognize that unless the worm is kept carefully lubricated, the fric- tional resistance soon begins to, tell in decreased efficiency and _ harder working parts. This of course does not apply to trailers. In applying grease, I like to recom- mend a pressure gun which sells for $75, and where there is a fleet of say 50 or more trailers, it pays to have this kind of a gun. The kind of grease will have to vary somewhat with the temperature, a hard grease being less effective in the winter, but general all round use, we like to rec- ommend a medium grade of good cup grease which would have enough body so that it would be possible to force it into the lubricating system without its melting to oil in the process. New Terminal Opens Aug. 1 the Luckenbach Steamship Co. Inc., opened their new eastbound terminal at the Port of Seattle’s new Salmon warehouses, Pier 40. This is probably the most ideal ter- minal for the intercoastal trade. It 1s by far the largest in the country, with a berthing space of over a mile, the exact footage being 5810 feet. There is 3239 feet alongside storage sheds.