AMERICAN BRIDGE COMPANY has given special attention to DESIGNING and BUILDING STEEL BARGES ) include standard barges, fuel lighters, a floating hangar, floating dry docks, dump scows, derrick boats, ete. The services of our engineering forces ao HIS is the twenty-seventh consecu- tive year we have maintained the steel barge building yard at our struc- tural steel fabricating plant at Am- bridge, Pa. During this period of over a quarter of a century 1500 HULLS have been launched from the ways of are available forthe preparation of speci- fications and the development of size and type of steel barges to meet the standard this yard. Some of these were of un- or special requirements of users or pros- usual size or for special purposes, and pective users of inland waterways. Inquiries are solicited and will be.given prompt attention. AMERICAN BRIDGE COMPANY Subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation General Offices, 71 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Pacific Coast Distributor: Columbia Steel Company San Francisco, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif. Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash. Honolulu, T. H. Barge Department, Frick Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Export Distributor: United States Steel Products Company 30 Church Street New York, N. Y. MARINE REVIEw—January, 1931 65