Check your Exhaust Temperatures with a Zycos Diesel-Engine Pyrometer SHIP engineers know how important it is to have a close check on how each cylinder of the Diesel Engines is fune- tioning. Tycos Pyrometers for Exhaust Temperatures are specially designed to stand ship conditions and give the en- gineer the information he wants, A Tycos Diesel-Engine Pyrometer with a thermocouple in each exhaust port dis- charge line and a 6-point or 12-point switch tells at a glance how each cylinder is behaving. The engineer has an immediate check on cylinder lubrication, cooling water circulation, combustion and valve opera- tion. He knows if he is using too much or too little fuel oil and can check on the condition of pistons and rings. All this is valuable information .. . information the engineer needs and that a Tycos Pyrometer will give. Our en- gineers will be glad to tell you more about the application. Diesel-Engine Pyrometer For Exhaust Temperatures Taylor /nstrument Companies ROCHESTER, N. Y., U.S. A. Taylor Instrument Companies Short & Mason, Ltd. * of Canada, Ltd., Toronto London, E-17, England - Progress in Oil-Tank Ship Construction : 66 9 Floor Service The “Bracketless-System b (PATENT) FLOORCRAFTERS | — SSS Rey Oe == Sie {4 30,000 square feet —J J = ae A : ee —— | ed SELBALITH tl 4 7 16,000 square feet . GOODYEAR RUBBERTILE , on S.S. SANTA CLARA Both laid by the same firm, thereby eliminating any division of responsibility—an advantage to the owners. Write for information on our eight types of flooring to meet modern needs on ships of all types. Eliminates Bulkhead Brackets Eliminates Bulkhead Leakage Greatly Simplifies Construction Greatly Reduces Cost of Damage Repairs SELBY, BATTERSBY & CO). Greatly Reduies Coat of Cleaning Tanks Substantially Increases the Longitudinal Strength Beyond the Well-tried ‘Isherwood System 33rd & Arch Sts., 135 Liberty St., Shipowners are advised to specify that plans and structural arrangements should be ane” ee New York City SIR JOSEPH W. ISHERWOOD & CO., Ltd 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK : and 4, LLOYD’S AVENUE, LONDON, E. C. 3 66 MARINE REview—J anuary, 1931