of the world fittings. appears BLACK. WHITE. No mistake possible. REFLEX WATER GAGES Used on all types of boilers by all the Principal Navies ‘“‘The Water Shows Black’’ ADVANTAGES: Quick and reliable observation of the water level. Safe, sure and durable at high pressure. Not affected by cold air drafts. Most effective protection against injuries to boilers and workmen. Easily applied to all types of gage glass When filled with WATER the Reflex Gage always hen empty it instantly shows ; 0 his feature alone is worth many times the cost of the Reflex. Send for catalog of Water Gage Apparatus MANUFACTURED BY THE JERGUSON ‘GAGE & VALVE CoO. WINTER HILL, SOMERVILLE, MASS. Star Brass Mfg. Co. 53 Oliver Street -::- Boston, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF Accurate ‘‘Non-corrosive’’ Pressure and Recording Gauges, Revolution Counters, Marine Clocks. Dead Weight Gage Testers. Marine, Safety and Relief Valves for all pressures. Marine Whistles and Sirens. Extra Heavy Renewable Globe, Angle and Check Valves. Star Outside Spring Steam Engine Indicators. HIGH GRADE THROUGHOUT SPECIFY AND ORDER THE BEST. Branches: CHICAGO PITTSBURGH On Board the... On board the new American Export Liner, “Excalibur” ...on board the new Ward Liner, ‘“‘Morro Castle’. . . on board the new Grace Liner, “Santa Clara’... on board the new American-South African Liner, “City of New York”... on board the new Coast Guard Cutters, ‘“‘Itaska’’,““Sebago’’, *“Saranac’”’. In fact, on board most all of the outstanding new ships—and the older ones—you will find Paracoil equipment holding responsible positions. Paracoil Feed Water Heaters, Evaporators, Distillers, Lubricating Oil Coolers, etc., etc., have been standard marine equipment for many years. Write for bulletins. DAVIS ENGINEERING CORP. 90 West St. New York City Wallene Engineering Co. 1740 E. 12th St. Cleveland, O. NEW YORK THE PARACOIL PARADE Leviathan Virginia California Pennsylvania Waialeale Hualalai Montauk Montana Caracas George Washington President Harding Pacific Sun President Fillmore Hendrik Hudson Alexander Hamilton President Garfield Morro Castle Santa Clara City of New York Itaska Sebago Saranac etc., etc., etc. Ship For Sale? If you have a passenger ship, freighter, tanker, tug or any other floating prop- erty or marine equipment for sale advertise it in Marine Review. The rate is $3.00 for a minimum advertisement of 30 words. Additional words, 10c each. FERGUSON WHEELS are good wheels They are on the Tugboat “William Dickinson” = BRONZE IRON SEMI-STEEL FERGUSON & SON Hoboken, N. J. MARINE REViEw—January, 1931