After 50,510 miles in Arctic waters there’s no guessing about an engine A test like that leaves facts, stark naked facts, standing alone. Opinions don't count. Personal prejudices are cast aside. There is the case of the’ Seal” for instance. The Seal’ is d Diesel patrol boat used by the Alaska Game Com- mission, carrying game wardens to outlying parts of Alaska, enforcing the fur and game laws. She is 68 feet long, 1534 foot beam, powered by a Standard Diesel Engine. 4d é ~ . . The “Seal” has been in commission four years, during all seasons, facing a furious variety of weather con- ditions. She has covered 50,510 nautical miles in a total running time of The Standard Diesel line includes 3, 4, 6 and 8 cylinder full Diesel engines ranging from 50 to 500 H.P. All models direct-reversible, even 3 and 4 cylinder engines, and all capable of ample overload capacity. Standard has several new sizes of engines. 5,238 hours, or at an average speed of approximately 9.6 knots per hour. The engine is operating with its origi- nal set of cylinders. A recent over- hauling of the engine revealed the amazing fact that the cylinder walls have worn less than six-thousandths of an inch. ( The unfailing sturdiness of the Stand- ard Diesel Engine is not a claim —it is a fact. The Standard is a light, com- pact, accessible, POWERFUL engine. Write for descriptive literatureand quo- tations on your specific requirements. STANDARD MOTOR CONSTRUCTION CO. 184 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. A few good territories open for active representatives -—"$TAN DARD’ DIESEL ENGINE MARINE REVIEwW—February, 1931 13