Contract for River Boat Is Awarded on West Coast Contract for construction of a 160- foot steel passenger and freight ves- sel of the tunnel propeller type has been awarded to the Albina Marine Iron Works, Portland, Oreg. Power will be furnished by either Atlas or Union engines. The vessel is designed for river traffic between Portland and Astoria, Oreg., and will be thor- oughly modern particularly with re- spect to the handling of freight. Equipment will include a complete Colby system with Barlow elevators, furnishing not only dispatch but cheap operation. Electric lift trucks will pick up platforms loaded with freight and move them from dock to vessel. The Barlow elevator to be installed aboard will raise and lower trucks to accommodate any dock level. The owners of the new vessel, which is to be named L. P. Hosrorp, are the Harkins Transportation Co., organ- ized by Mr. Hosford. The L. P. Hos- FORD is expected to develop 14 knots and to replace two stern wheel steam- ers now on the route. She will be ready for service about June 1. Other dimensions of the craft are: Beam 30 feet and depth 10.5 feet. Four New Type Diesels During the past year, four new types of diesel engines for marine use were produced abroad. The first of these is a four cycle single acting unit with continuous pressure charging. This engine is based on adaptation of the desirable features of two makes of single acting engines, com- bined with arrangements by which full use may be made of continuous pressure charging to increase the power output per cylinder without increasing the size or weight of the engine. The engine was designed for Alfred Holt & Co. Ltd. The second is a new two cycle single acting air- less injection engine developed by Scotts Shipbuilding & Engineering Co. Ltd. This type has six cylinders of 27-inch diameter and 45-inch stroke and is rated at 2400 brake horsepower at 104 revolutions per At New York minute, normal service and a maxi- mum of 3000 brake horsepower at 112 revolutions per minute. The third of the new engines is an M. A. N. of six cylinders and rated at 3750 brake horsepower at 130 revo- lutions per minute. Camshaft opera- tion of fuel valves and push rods is eliminated. The fuel valves have open nozzles without any moving ‘members. The fourth of the new engines is a four cylinder of 2200 horsepower, built by Earle’s Ship- building & Engineering Co. The cyl- inders are 24-inch diameter by 40- inch stroke. This is an air injection motor and is noteworthy for the de- sign of the cylinders. These consist of two dome shaped working por- tions with common central block be- tween this block containing exhaust and scavenging air ports. Exhaust Turbine Data The steamer LENA LUCKENBACH of the Luckenbach Steamship Co., Inc., which vessel was fitted with an Amer- ican Bauer-Wach exhaust turbine, has now, with entire satisfaction to the owners, run for over a year with the new equipment, and the records of two years’ performance, before and af- ter conversion respectively, are now available for comparison. About one knot in speed has been gained, which works out as a saving of three and one-half days for a round trip, and as practically six round trips are made per year, totaling approxi- mately 60,000 miles, 20 sea days are saved, leaving more time in port for loading and unloading cargo and in reducing or eliminating over-time work. There is also an annual say- ing of 5400 barrels of fuel oil. The vessel was built in Japan in 1920, is of 10,600 deadweight tons, and was originally equipped with three Scotch boilers and a triple ex- pansion engine having 2714 x 45 x 75 inch cylinders and 51-inch stroke, and giving 2800 indicated horsepower and 10% knots speed. By the installation of a contra-propeller and other im- provements, this was subsequently, but prior to the installation of the ex- haust turbine, brought up to about 11% knots at 74 revolutions per min- ute. Bunker Prices At Philadelphia Plan Turbine Drive Ships : for Barge Canal Operation Representatives of the Ford Motor Co. propose to operate in the barge canal a fleet of steamships larger than any crait ever seen in _ that waterway. Two of them may be well underway when the canal re. opens in the spring. The ships would be 300 feet long — 15 feet longer than the largest craft used in the waterway last season, with a 48-foot beam. The motive power would be furnished by 1600. horsepower geared turbines. Enter- ing the canal at Oswego after cruis- ing through the Great Lakes, they would proceed to tidewater on the Hudson River. Lately engineers of the marine de- partment of the Ford company in- spected the canal lock chamber and the lift lock at Little Falls, the short- est chamber and the highest lift lock in the entire barge canal system, ac- cording to official state records. It is reported that the contract for con- structing two of these vessels has .been awarded the Great Lakes Engi- neering Works. Award Engine Contract King County has awarded to the Washington Iron Works, Seattle, the contract for a 560 brake horsepower Washington diesel, eight cylinder en- gine of the latest type on a bid of $52,695. The plant will be installed in the county’s Lake Washington fer- ry boat Lrerscur which is to be re- built in addition to having the new motive power installed. The Lake Washington shipyards have the re modeling contract on bid of $37,850. Power on 40 Ships The work completed by Burmeister & Wain Ltd., Copenhagen, during 1930 included the fitting of 40 ships with combined horsepower for main engines of 186,895 indicated horse- power and for auxiliary engines of 26,175 indicated horsepower giving 4 total output for 1930 of 213,070 in- dicated horsepower. Other Ports Coal Fuel oil alongside alongside per barrel Diesel engine oil alongside Coal per gallon Cc Fuel oil trim in bunk alongside per barrel Diesel engine Boston, coal, per ton...$7.57 oil alongside Boston, oil, f. a. s., per per gallon barrel Tit Hampton Roads,coal, per ton, f.o.b.,piers$4.35 to 4.50 Jan. 8—Cardiff, coal, per ton 138 9d London, coal; per ton... —s -d Antwerp, coal, per ton..19s 9d Antwerp, Fuel oil, per ton. 678 6d Antwerp, Diesel oil, per s 82s 6d : British ports, Fuel oil...678s 6d British ports, Diesel oil. 828 6d ae 18,193 . 18 ae te 1, iis 1, Le 1, A 1, Le: I. i: Pah ee et et bet et pet pt et He ve ve ee ee ee 46 MARINE REVIEW—February, 1931