3 F HEN two wheel hand trucks are used for handling rolls of newsprint paper, the trucks must be covered to prevent damage to rolls. Old automobile casings serve this purpose very well. The casings are tied around the framework of the truck to prevent damage by sharp cor- ners or bolt heads. In addition a butt block made from two 2 x 12-inch pieces of lumber cradled out on top to receive the roll and covered with au- tomobile casing, is placed across the lower part of the truck. Experience has shown that this rub- ber covering over the butt block is of great assistance in holding the roll and preventing it from slipping for- ward when it is being broken over onto the truck. A board also covered with casing is placed near the end of the truck handles. This is held in position by ropes which are passed through holes bored horizontally through the piece and thrown over the handles of the truck so they may be removed at any time. Two helpers are used in ldading large rolls. A man is stationed on each side of the truck with a light flexible cable which has a hand hold spliced in each end. The cable is slip- ped behind the roll and about half way down it. The trucker runs the butt block against the roll and at the same time he starts to break the truck down, the two helpers heave on the cable, throwing the roll over and hold it in place until the truck handles are down far enough so the roll cannot slip. When the roll is unloaded. It must be dumped over so that it hits flush on the end and is not allowed to slide off and hit on the edge. If it is necessary to drive a roll tighter together with the other rolls Flair boards 3 increase «cubic capacity of trailers in handling light packages seful [ints on (argo [Jandling UOUUTOLNUEOAUUAUOCAULEUUAEnuaataaangezatiucanaztegnnutinetanentnmnat Boek page is to be devoted to short items on all matters having to do with the more efficient turn- around of ships. These items are in- tended to be of a helpful nature. We will welcome for this page brief descriptions, illustrated if possible, of any better or safer way of perform- ing any function in cargo handling. Also, any questions submitted will be answered by the editor. Se TTTTTTTTTTTTTULUTTTTTTITUTLUUM UTIL TITIOTTTTCTT Special canvas belt sling and spreader on the floor, the best method is to hold a 4 x 4 against the roll and use the truck as a battering ram to move the roll. When the volume of newsprint busi- ness justifies the expense, it is more economical to handle newsprint by means of gasoline or electric news- print trucks. The Portland Terminal Co. reports that the new chisel trucks provided for the new terminal together with in- creased slingloads has increased dis- charging of bales of woodpulp from the maximum of 900 tons in eight hours to 1500 tons in eight hours. Taking Care of Rigging HERE a single topping lift is used it is often found difficult to prevent the tackle from chafing on the chain, but it can be prevented if a piece of suitable steel is cut to the shape of a heart. Shackle the pointed end of the heart in the wire, the tackle on one side and the chain on MARINE REviEw—February, 1931 / the other side of the widest part of the heart. When the strain is on the tackle the chain will swing clear and So will the tackle when the strain is on the chain. Turnbuckles holding the rigging are often found to be frozen and rust- ed, so when some particular cargo has to be loaded or discharged and the rigging taken up expensive delays are often experienced on account of the frozen turnbuckles. This can be pre- vented and the overhauling of the turnbuckles made easy by drilling and tapping a small hole two _ treads from the top of the buckle and cutting a longitudal grove perpendicular en the treads. With a grease gun suffi- cient grease or Oil can be forced in the turnbuckle trough the tapped hole and grove to keep it from rusting. Handling Finished Lumber NEW system of handling finished lumber is being tried out on the Pacific coast at the Weyerhaeuser mills, Everett, Wash., where flooring is ready cut to one length and sealed in bundles of five or six pieces with grade, length and brand on the seal which not only protects ends but guar- antees grade. These bundles are further protect- ed by being completely surrounded by one or two layers of two by fours on top, bottom and sides which are simi- larly all of one length but a length somewhat longer. The out side tim- bers are not sealed and provide for some flexibility and deformation of the load in handling without damag- ing the interior lumber. This would seem to be the remedy for flooring arriving with the bead cut off by slings used in handling and solve the question of grade. High lift trucks help in loading and unloading gondola railroad cars 53