_ Bagged sugar, ‘‘TwinVeyed” at an Eastern terminal is tiered by ““TwinVeyor” at a cost of 5c per ton as against 18c when the job was done by hand. PaiwinVey —the gentle art of quick conveying And that’s important to ship owners. A ship earns money at sea. Not at the wharf. Increased “‘port speed”’ —meaning faster cargo handling—is good for dividends. Clark ‘“‘TwinVeyor’’ offers ship operators the first port- able, flexible conveyor suited to their use. It is sectional. Easily moved about, hooked up in various assemblies between decks and on docks. Conveys cargo in bags, bales, bundles, boxes, crates, cartons—swiftly, silently, eco- nomically. It elevates. It tiers. With “TwinVeyed” cargo, fewer ships required to move a given tonnage. Dock owners and stevedoring concerns able to serve more ships. Write for new Clark ‘“TwinVeyor’’ Bulletin and actual cost figures on cargo-handling = per- formance on Great Lakes and the seaboard. Attach this ADVERTISEMENT to your inquiry The Clark Tructractor Co. Battle Creek, Mich. MARINE REVIEw—February, 1931 55