ee ee se oe ee Table VI Naval Shipbuilding Dresent Status of Naval Construction with Particular Reference to 15 Light Cruisers and One Airplane Carrier Act of Congress Feb. 13, 1929 Contract Contract Comple- Displace- tion Date ment Speed Name let oS New Orleans 6/29/29 6/2/ Portland 6/29/29 8/15/32 (a facnpalt ry 3io9 B/15/32 indianapolis Minneapolis 7/ 3/29 10/2/33 Light Gruiser 37— Bids to be opened 2/1 1/31. Light Cruiser 38 Recently 2/11/34 Light Cruiser 39— Not to be laid down before 1933 (London Treaty Art. 18). 10,000 .... i 10,000 32.5 9-8 inch 8-5 inch 1000022555 ' Batter Main Mati Air To Whom Awarded ‘9-8 inch 8-5 inch New York Navy Yard OOO -. 20. 10/000 32.§ 9-8inch 8-5 inch Beth. S. B. Corp. Quincy 8 j -Sinch Puget Sd. Navy. Yd. oe NY. S. B. Co. Camden 9-8 inch 8-5 inch Phila. Navy Yard a Island Navy Yd. Light Cruiser 40— Not to be laid down before 1934 (London Treaty Art. 18). take Cruiser 41— Not to be laid down before 1935 (London Treaty Art. 18). Light Cruisers—42, Ranger 43, 44, 45, 46. 10/17/30 3/ 1/34 Submarine V-7 8/1 Not to be built (London Treaty Art. 18). 13,800 Airplane Carrier {32 : Submarine V-8— Probably laid down in 1931 (Funds available Act 3/2/29). Newport News S. B. Co. Portsmouth Navy Yd. Sub rine V-9— Probably laid down in 1931 (Funds available Act 3/2/29). é ia Destroyers Nos.— 348-359 inclusive (Authorized by Act of Aug. 29, 1916) No Funds for Construction 1 Transport No. 2— (Authorized by Act of Aug. 29, 1916) No Funds for Construction 4 Neff Submarine No. 108 (Authorized by Act of A ug. 29, 1916) No Funds for Construction Compiled by Marine Review Shipbuilding in U. S. (Continued from Page 21) for two additional submarines. Immediate prospects for further construction depend entirely on what congress and the President will do. ‘Authority of congress in the act of Aug. 29, 1916 for 12. destroyers is sufficient for the appropriation of funds for one destroyer leader and 10 destroyers included in the navy de- partment program for the next fiscal year. The current proposed naval construction bill in congress is given in Table VII. This program is only a modest be- ginning of a treaty navy at best and all of it should be approved by con- gress with additional authorization for construction each year until we have a treaty navy which will mean parity with Great Britain and the allowable ratio with Japan. Fourth Marine Conference (Continued from Page 34) the outset it had been planned to permit domestic American ‘shipping to pass through the canal without toll, but by treaty this had been over- ruled. He condemned the Roch bill, now pending in the senate, which would advance the rates, and pleaded for a new consideration of the whole matter with a view to equitable di- vision of the maintenance and depre- ciation costs between commercial and naval vessels. Questions dealing with the award of ocean mail contracts, as author- ized by the Jones-White law were discussed by Assistant Postmaster General W. Irving Glover. Mr. Glover cited the benefits in the way of new shipbuilding which have been derived from the ocean mail con- tracts and pointed out that, in all probabilities, several more contracts 56 Table VII Naval Shipbuilding Proposals for New Naval Con- struction in Congress Bill H. R. 14688 introduced by Mr. Britten Dec. 8, 1930 and a similar bill S-5288 introduced by Sena- tor Hale “‘to authorize the construction of certain naval vessels and for other purposes.”’ We are concerned with only the section of this bill which calls for— ; (a) One aircraft carrier, including armor, armament, ammunition and airplanes .:.455 csc we Bee cs $27,650,000 (b) One flying deck cruiser, includ- ing armor, armament, ammuni- tion and’ airplanes..<:. .; sek... « 20,780,000 (c) One cruiser, including armor, armament, ammunition and air- PLAMEG A Ne ore ee ae oe ee eases oe 16,605,000 (d) Four submarines, including ar- mor, armament, and ammunition at $4,400,000 each.............. 17,600,000 ho oa an 8 cm a a Se $82,635,000 Compiled by Marine Review which will carry with them require- ments for further new construction are yet to be negotiated. He cautioned the shipping men against dissension, saying: “Let me say with all the earnest- ness at my command that if the vari- ous shipping groups of this country do not get together and amicably set- tle their differences before they ap- peal for contracts for mail pay, and I refer to instances where great ob- jection has been made by one line against another with the thought that a line is receiving more than its fair share of mail money, that this or that trade territory belongs to this line alone, that all seaboard sections of the country shall have a share in the merchant marine plans, and many other reasons too numerous to mention; then the day will fast come when congress will take a hand and make it impossible for a further con- tinuance of the broad and _intelli- gent development of the merchant marine policy of the United States.” Senator Royal S. Copeland of New York then spoke on the subject of an MARINE REVIEw—February, 1931 investigation of the shipping board and other agencies administering laws pertaining to shipping which js being sought by Senator McKellar of Tennessee. He declared that he could see no justification for such an investigation at this time. Committees appointed at the third national conference held a year ago then made their reports. These re- ports dealt with marine insurance, which was presented by Vice Chair. man Edward C. Plummer; safety of marine workers, which was presented by Robert F. Hand, vice president of the Standard Shipping Co.; reduction differential between shipbuilding costs here and abroad, presented by H. G. Smith, president National Council of American Shipbuilders and _ govern- ment aid to American ships not bene- fited by mail contracts, presented by H. B. Walker, president, American _ Steamship Owners association. In discussing the subjects of mod- ernization of the American merchant marine, Homer L. Ferguson, presi- dent of the Newport News Shipbuild- ing & Dry Dock Co., called attention to the advances that have been made in safety at sea during the past de- cade. ‘‘American ships being built today for carriage of passengers and freight present a higher degree of safety than any other ships being built anywhere else in the world,” Mr. Ferguson said. Cc. L. Bardo president of the New York Shipbuilding Co., also took up the topic discussed by Mr. Ferguson and called attention to the antiquity and obsolescence of the bulk of the ships making up the American mer- chant marine. More than 500,000 tons of our ships are more than 20 years old, he said, and the majority of the war-built vessels are now ob- solete. Mr. Bardo called attention to further ways in which the govern- ment could be of assistance to the shipyards, particularly by assuring them of all the navy’s shipbuilding work. Under existing law, he pointed out, half of the cruiser construction program must be carried out in navy yards. Lake Shipping Man Dies Funeral services were held Sat- urday afternoon Jan. 24 for C. D. Dyer who for many years was con- nected with Great Lakes Shipping. Mr. Dyer was 71 years old. He was, until retirement a few years ago, vice president of the Shenango Furnace Co., a director of the Great Lakes Towing Co., member of the executive committee of the Lake Carriers Association, and a member of the advisory committee of the Great Lakes Protective association. During the World war, Mr. Dyer was active in the mobilization of ships on the Great Lakes engaged in transportation of commodities uD- — der direction of the federal govern- ment.