New tug “Luna’’ guards against power failure 65 with Exide-Ironclad Battery HOULD Luna’s normal source of power be interrupted, an Exide-Ironclad is on the job to take over the entire auxiliary load automatically . . . and what a load it is. The Exide Marine Floating Bat- tery System on this outstanding new tug includes 56 cells of MVA- 11 Exide-Ironclad. At all times this powerful battery is connected to the electrical system, ready to supply current instantly and auto- matically, for these many impor- tant jobs: Steering gear, circulating water pumps, lubricating oil pumps, en- gine telegraph, lights and field excitation for main electrical ma- chinery, two motor-driven air compressors, fire and bilge pumps, fuel transfer pump, sanitary pumps, electric refrigerator, and searchlights. The unique slotted-rubber-tube con- struction of the positive plates in Exide-Ironclads retains active mate- rial... and so gives more punch... longer life .. . more depend- able power . . . lower operating cost. From tugs to ocean liners, for every type THE LUNA was recently built for the Mystic Steamship Co., Boston, by M. M. Davis & Son, Solomons, Md. It’s the first Diesel electric tug in Boston Harbor. : Y Exide IRONCLAD MARINE BATTERIES x us ON THE JOB below deck—56-cell MV A-11 Exide- Ironclad Marine Battery. By floating this battery on the bus the electrical system is protected against interruptions at any time, automatically. of boat, there is a reliable Exide Bat- tery to do the job. . . with depend- ability . . . and at minimum cost. Learn more about Exides today. Write for full information. Better yet... have an Exide representative call and talk over your problems with you.No obligation. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia THE WORLD’S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF ST Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto MARINE REvieEw—February, 1931 ORAGE BATTERIES FOR EVERY PURPOSE Or >