A new condenser circulating pump New in principle and design, the Warren- Moody spiral pump for handling large vol- umes at low heads has three outstanding advantages which make it particularly suitable for condenser circulating service. 1. It is compact and occupies less space than other pumps used for the same purpose. All parts are easily accessible. 2. Its initial cost is less than that of other pumps used for this service. 3. It can be operated at higher speeds than those customarily used, permit- Six 20’’ Warren-Moody pumps for condenser cir- culating service will be in- A . eed Aard the “new higher turbine economy. Matson Liners. ting the use of a turbine drive with its Built by Warren, under the patents of Lewis F. Moody, this new pump, because of its efficiency and economy, will replace many other types of pumps now used for condenser circulating service. WARREN STEAM PUMP COMPANY, Ine. WARREN . . . .-- + # #=MASSACHUSETES Western Engineering Company, 58 Main Street ce Spa By fay 117 Eihocty Sescet, New 2) San Francisco, California - L. Katzenstein, President 4698 MARINE REVIEw—February, 1931 65