CUMMINGS NEW TWO SHAFT TELLTALE AVERAGING COUNTER SAMSON SPOT Log Lines Smooth, tough and durable; no adulterating material to stiffen it and decrease strength and durability. Solid braided of extra quality cotton yarn. Uniform in size and quality. Easily identified by the colored spots, our trade mark. We also manufacture flag halyards, lead lines, tiller rope; solid braided cotton ie g be faa a bg iy j ki by, cord in all sizes for various "eae marine uses. Ask for catalog Viale Mork and samples. Reg. U.S, Pat. Off. ALL IN ONE CASE 15 SECONDS TO GET AVERAGE R P M Total Revolutions for the Port and Starboard Shafts. The Two Hand Telltale shows at a glance the actual Performance of Each Shaft ahead and back and the proportionate speed of each. TORSION METERS For Both Solid and Hollow Shaft Fall particulars upon application Cummings Machine Works SAMSON CO om 255 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. 89 BRoap STREET TRADE Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- tural Work and Castings Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY ELECTRIC WELDING Works: 36-40 Illinois Street - BUFFALO, N. Y. i| fi ; Al Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co. 112 State Street, Boston Ship Compasses TULL _ —— —a ~ = , ope hl > jj = i! SS Navigational Equipment a3 : os \ | ; Contracts a Specialty This year, ~ NI i : New York and Montreal ) e 1 let’s put ina \ Ne SHIPMATE” Each year at outfitting time the question of a new galley range confronts many yachtsmen and operators of commercial craft. The way to settle this question is to install a SHIPMATE. Made to burn coal, wood, briquets, gas, kerosene, and fuel oil, there is a proper model for every size and type of boat. LANE LIFEBOATS _.43 BYRD ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION C. M. Lane Lifeboat Co., Inc. Brooklyn, N. Y. ey STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY STAMFORD, CONN. MARINE REVIEw—February, 1931