22 TONS» » BIG—But NotToo Big for United This Lathe is 72 feet long, largest in the Port of New York. Being double-ended, with separate motor drives, it can do two big jobs at once. The crankshaft in the photo required only half of the lathe. It is installed at the Morse Plant and is one of the many units of United's complete facilities. COMPLETE FACILITIES—SUPERIOR SERVICE = || The four-throw crankshaft pictured here weighs 22 tons » » a large order for any machine shop » » but United is geared for big things. This giant shaft was lifted out of 4 ship at pier side by our 25-ton derrick, transported to the shops, picked up by | the 25-ton crane that serves the lathe, and set up in jig time. No lost ) motion—or time—anywhere along the line; United is ready | at all times to do a big or a little job and do it well. | Five complete plants—one superior service. | UNITED DRY DOCKS INCORPORATED 11 Broadway Digby 4-0500 New York : MARINE REvIEw—February, 1931 81