Make revenue flow into American channels acetal caw mere SBQRRREN BR SERRNTTE PHRTSKENA Hl, Serge ee S. S. “Santa Clara.” Delivered April 1st, 1930. Built by New York Ship- ae # building Company for the Grace Line. A fast, modern and luxurious American- built ship equal to any foreign vessel of her type and size afloat. Wx a person residing in the United States takes a foreign ship in making a trip abroad, he is sending his passage money outside of the United States just as surely as if he put it in an envelope and mailed it to a foreign country for the purchase of goods. 7 This is exactly what some 70 pet- cent of the American citizens do when they determine to travel abroad and it is exactly what about 65 percent of our people do when they decide to ship goods to foreign countries. A change in this policy can be made without cost and without effort. Pas- senger fares by international agree- ment are class for class, speed for speed, accommodations for accom- modations the same. This is also true of freight rates. There is no advantage at any point in shipping freight on a foreign vessel as against an American vessel. Keep your Money at Home NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING COMPANY New York Office: Main Office and Works: 420 LEXINGTON AVE. CAMDEN, N. J. ee, MARINE REvIEw—March, 1931 9