* 5 sane ee iil euanas we - ., i aja gnnnann ene cuneede SE - ea es * * out bilges and ballast IN PORT without danger of oil pollution Avoid infringement of port regulations when pumping out bilges and ballast tanks by using the Bethlehem L J Oil Separator. It is simple in construction and has no working parts that have to be repaired or renewed. It occupies small space, is easy to operate, and can be installed in any vessel conveniently and at low cost. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, Ltd. BETHLEHEM, PA. General Sales Offices: 25 Broadway, New York City Matson Bldg., San Francisco District Offices: Boston, Baltimore, San Pedro BETHLEHEM Representative Vessels equipped with the BETHLEHEM L J OIL SEPARATOR PANAMA-PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY California Pennsylvania Virginia DOLLAR LINE President Hoover President ——— MATSON LINE Lurline* Mariposa* * Monterey* UNITED MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY Six Vessels* WARD LINE Morro Castle Oriente Vessels marked * are under construction. — —— LJ OIL SEPARATOR MARINE REVIEW—March, 1931 11