SRA ee eee ape ts Port of Auckland, New Zealand. Main Point of Call for Shipping Between Sydney, Australia and the West Coast of the United States. New Zealand’s Largest City. Population 210,000 « EDITORIAL » Don't Delay Completion of United States Liners OTHING should be allowed to pre- vent or delay the successful com- pletion of the two transatlantic liners now under construction at Cam- den, N. J., for the United States lines. Like a bolt out of the blue came the startling news that the shipyard had stopped work on these vessels and laid off 1600 men. Though no definite reason was assigned at the time by either the ship- yard or the United States lines, later de- velopments suggested the question of finances. Contracts for loans from the shipping board on new construction spe- cifies payment by the owner of the first 25 per cent of the cost of construction out of private funds. In the case of the new United States liners this amount is the substantial sum of not less than $5,- 250,000. According to reports as this is written, the shipping board has wisely agreed to waive the strict requirements of the con- tract permitting funds from the federal loan to apply before the complete outlay of the 25 per cent required of the owner, on the guarantee of P. W. Chapman, president of the United States lines, that all of the required investment by the own- er would be made during the course of the construction of the two vessels. In view of the circumstances this seems to be a reasonable concession on the part of the board and its action is to be commended for carrying out the true spirit of the merchant marine act in giving practical co-operation in bringing about the prompt resumption of work. The people and government of the United States are committed to practical encouragement and support of an Amer- ican merchant marine and it is incon- ceivable that any circumstances can arise which would mean the abandonment of this policy. The dramatic cessation of work on the two leading units in the fur- therance of this program has had the ef- MARINE REvIEw—March, 1931 13