14 fect of drawing the attention of the coun- try thus helping to consolidate and strengthen support for an American mer- chant marine. It will serve to buck up resistance to insidious propaganda that we would do better to let nations who are apt in the business of shipping carry our goods for us. We believe that the average American’s attitude in a minor crisis such as this would be an increase to determina- tion to see it through. What Owner's Risk Meant XPERIENCED — shipowners realize 5 that any clause in the bill of lading specifically warning the shipper that his goods are carried, in certain special circumstances, at his own risk does not mean that he is absolved from providing a seaworthy ship properly operated. Cir- cumstances do arise, however, in which the shipowner feels so certain that he is not liable that he is willing to make an issue of it. An exceptionally interesting case of this character was decided against the ship- owner, though on the face of it he seemed to have the better of it. The shipowner agreed to transport a quantity of linseed oil on the basis of a contract of shipment which provided that the oil was to go in the steamer’s deep water ballast tank and that the shipowner should not be liable for leakage from this tank after it had been accepted by the surveyor of the shipper’s underwriters; and that the oil was specifically accepted at the owner’s risk and subject to the terms of the bill of lading which was of the usual form subject to the Hague rules. The shipowner, complying with the con- tract, employed a reputable concern to re- pair leaks in the tank making it ready for the oil cargo. As is customary in cases of this kind, after completing work on the tank, hydrostatic tests were made which showed that the tank was water- tight. After examination the designated surveyor for the shipper accepted the tank and the shipment was made. Upon ar- rival at the port of destination it was dis- covered that much of the linseed oil had been lost because of leakage. This leak- age it is found was due to the use of white lead in making the structure tight; the linseed oil having dissolved the lead. The shippers claimed damage which was de- nied by the shipowner under the terms of his contract and the shipping company brought action in court, winning its case. The shipowner contended with what seems to be some justice, that having given the job of repairing the tank to a reputable and experienced concern and having had the tank accepted by the sur- veyor for the shipper, he was not liable for any loss resulting. But the court took a different point of view and this case is therefore of unusual interest in showing the far reaching effect of that clause re- ferring to due diligence in making a ves- sel fit to carry cargo. It is clear that the repair work on the tank was not properly done. This responsibility the shipowner could not escape. Someone representing him should have insisted on a better and more thorough job on the part of the shipyard doing the repairs. Able Steamship Operators . IFFICULT though it may be, if build- |) ing up a merchant marine meant only the design and building of first class ships and their operation in an efficient and intelligent manner we could feel that the problem had been largely solved. It is very important to put skillful and experi- enced thought into the planning, building and operation of ships. But there is far more to the making of a permanent and successful merchant marine than this. We have to be good salesmen, diplomats, trad- ers, ever elert to render service always ready to make good our own mistakes and by attention to detail reduce the possibili- ties of mistakes to a minimum. Finance must enter into it, but here as a nation we have a brilliant record. Find- ing money for huge enterprises is not un- common, when they promise big returns, which shipping rarely does. In building up a really successful merchant marine we must develop daily application to small de- tails and work for close and cordial co- operation with the shipper. His needs and wishes must be studied and every effort must be made to serve him well. MARINE REVIEW—March, 1931