S. S. PRESIDENT COOLIDGE New Dollar Liner Is Launched N AMERICAN merchant marine A is in the making. On Feb. 21 at the yard of the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va., Mrs. Calvin Cool- idge christened the second of the Dol- lar Steamship lines’ $8,000,000 turbine electric liners, the PrEsSmENT COoOoL- ier. The launching took place short- ly before noon, the new vessel taking the water easily without a hitch of any kind. A bottle of water taken from a brook in Plymouth, Vt., the boyhood home of the former President, was used for the christening ceremony. The first vessel in this program of the largest and most modern and palatial merchant vessels so far turned out’ in an American shipyard was launched on Dec. 9 at the same yard, Mrs. Hoover, acting as sponsor. A story of this launching, including tech- nical data, was published in Marine Review for January. The S. S. Prest- DENT CooLipGE is the sister ship of the PRESIDENT Hoover in size and accom- modations. The turbine electric ma- chinery however was designed and built by the Westinghouse Hlectric & Mfg. Co. and is this company’s largest unit for a merchant vessel. Fleet of Four Ships Planned The two vessels now launched are the forerunners of a fleet of four ves- sels. Two similar vessels will be laid down late this year. The new vessels will also be named after presidents of the United States. The two new liners will enter serv- ice, the first in August, the second in the fall, on the run from New York to the Pacific coast and the Orient. After the launching of the Present CooLipGE a luncheon was tendered the guests by the shipyard at the Tide- water club. It was during the speech at the luncheon that R. Stanley Dollar, president of the Dollar Steamship lines mentioned the building of two addi- tional ships. The S. S. Presipent Coonimer is the twentieth of the Dollar Steamship lines’ fleet of president liners which ply to the Orient and round the world over a route touching 22 world ports in 14 different countries. R. Stanley Dollar is president of the Dollar Steamship lines, founded by Capt. Robert Dollar, the grand old man of American shipping, who is still active at 87 years as chairman of the board of the lines. The new liner just launched will be ready to enter the New York-Manila run in October of this year. She will give a weekly service with other units of the Dollar 16 S. 8. President Coolidge launched at Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., just before noon, Feb. 21, 1931 Steamship lines from New York to the Philippines via Havana, Canal Zone, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Honolulu, Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai and Honeg- kong. The fortnightly service around the world has been in operation for the past seven years, touching at the ports just mentioned and also at Man- ila, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, Suez, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa, SE RE NE The S. S. President Coolidge General Particulars peverd ovet al fect. 6 653 Length on waterline, feet...........11 110777 630 Length between perpendiculars, feet.......... 615 Beam, molded teet:.¢<. 1 ...0.0020 00 81 Depth molded to shelter deck, side, feet.......52 Depth molded to upper deck, side, ft., ins... .42-6 oad diatt, designed, feet............,..1.° 32 Deadweight capacity 34’ draft (t i Cargo, general (cubic feet)... .. Seago aes “5nroGo Cargo, tefrigerated (cubic Reet) coe 70,000 ropulsion elec Cruising speed (knots)......000 00007000 et uel capacity (tons DW tact ete he ies 6,000 oilers (watertube Babcock & Wilcox)... igs: 12 First Class Pereena a 320 Special Class FAMONEEIS ee, ...140 paenger accommodations of other classes. .. 800 otal passenger Carrying capacity..... 260 ee ett 0 Classification. .. -American Bureau of Shipping EA oy BS es eri arg aR 8,000,000 — —————————————— MARINE REVIEW—March, 1931 Marseilles and returning to New York. The general characteristics of the S. S. PRESIDENT CooLineGr are like those of the S. S. Presipent Hoover and for convenience are set down separately in the accompanying table. Both ves- sels are propelled by twin screws and have slightly raked stem and semi- cruiser stern. There are two stacks and masts. The finest possible accom- modations equal to the best hotels ashore will be provided in the new ship. There will be such features ag elevators, swimming pools, sand beach, gymnasium, children’s playroom, soda fountain, veranda cafe, smoking room, library, private dining rooms, tea rooms, music and dance salon, talking picture theater, shopping lobby, broad- casting system, stock exchange rooms, beauty parlor, automobile garage, tele- phones in every room, and any other convenience to be found in a leading metropolitan hotel. The heating and cooling systems serving the ships will be of the most modern construction, capable of providing a given tempera- ture to an exact degree. Superb Accommodations Provided The main dining salon will accom- modate the entire first class passenger list of 320 at one sitting. Four deluxe suites consisting of a sea veranda, liv- ing room, bedroom and bath are lo- cated amidships on the first passenger deck. These suites will be arranged and decorated with all the care and skill possible using the highest talent. The tapestries, hangings and furnish- ings, it is said, will surpass any simi- lar rooms afloat today. The propelling machinery, designed and built by the Westinghouse Hlec- tric & Mfg. Co. consists of the follow- ing: Two 10,200 kilowatts at 2660 revolutions per minute turbine gener-~ ator sets, the turbines designed for 275 pounds throttle pressure, 200 degrees Fahr. superheat and 2814 inches vacu- um. The main control utilizes me- chanically operated air brake contac- tors and is arranged so that all opera- tions, including turbine speed control and setup connections for operating both motors from either generator alone, is controlled from the station in front of the instrument panel. These two generator sets provide cur- rent to two synchronous motors each of 13,250 horsepower at 133 revolu- tions per minute, 400-volt, 3-phase, and 44.3 cycle. Each of the motors is di rect connected to a propeller. The main turbines driving the gel erators are provided with the oil im- peller governor supplied with oil by 4