An Electric Welded Diesel Oil Delivery Vessel The miniature oil tanker GENE AND Don belonging to the Fish Pier Sup- ply Co. (owner Mr. Eugene Fitzpat- rick) may be seen along Boston’s waterfront any time busily engaged in delivering diesel oil and machinery supplies to trawlers, fishing schooners, and other vessels. This interesting little vessel which has the distinction of being the first and only one. of welded construction in Boston harbor, was designed and built by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Ltd., Boston plant at the At- lantiec Works, East Boston, Mass. The Gene AND Don is designed to carry 13,000 gallons of diesel oil in two deep tanks and 1000 gallons of lubricating oil in two 500-gallon cyl- indrical tanks and also carries grease, special oils, packing, spare _ parts, waste, etc. in the forepeak. She is 55 feet long, 15 feet 6 inuhes beam and 6 feet 6 inches deep. The general arrangement shows a flush deck vessel with three oil-tight bulkheads dividing the hold into fore- peak, forward deep tank of 5000-gal- lon capacity, after deep tank of 8000- ‘gallon capacity, and the engine room, in the after part of which are located the lubricating oil storage tanks. The deep tanks are fitted with a centerline bulkhead. The propelling machinery consists of one 45 horsepower four-cylinder, four-cycle Fairbanks-Morse full diesel engine turning a three-bladed cast steel propeller at 650 revolutions per minute with a fuel consumption of slightly less than two gallons per hour, Eastern Orders Two Ships It was reported on Feb. 26 that the two new vessels, contemplated for some time for the Eastern Steamship Co. have now been contracted for with the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. at an approximate total cost of $7,000,000. One of these is for the run from New York to Yarmouth, N.S., and the other is for the service ,be- tween Boston and St. John, N.B. Capt. Eugene E. O’Donnell, president of the Eastern Steamship Lines Inc., indi- cates his optimism that busines is now finally on the uptrend in going through with this order at this time. The two vessels were designed by Theodore E. Ferris and are to be 402 feet 9 inches in length; 61 feet in beam; 29 feet 9 inches in depth; and of 10,000 tons displacement. Accom- modations are to be provided for 756 passengers and 178 in the crew for each vessel. The hulls will be divided by nine transverse watertight bulk- heads. The engine room and fire room spaces will be protected by an inner shell. Moore Dry Dock Co. was awarded contract Feb. 3 for a tender for the lighthouse service, San Francisco on a bid of $139,949 for the hull. Ma- chinery bids were rejected. Will Launch Five Private Yachts in Near Future Five private yachts, the largest of which is 279 feet, will be launched this spring and summer from the ship- yard of the Bath Iron Works, Bath, Me. The CaroLinE building for Eldridge R. Johnson of Camden, N. J., will be one of the most complete and one of the largest private diesel vessels ever built in this country. She is out- ranked only by the AtprR, owned by Mrs. William Boyce Thompson of Yonkers. The CAROLINE, designed by Henry J. Gielow, Inc., New York, will carry a pair of 1500-horsepower Cooper-Bessemer diesel engines in ad- dition to 525 auxiliary horsepower. She will be equipped with a gyroscope weighing 100,000 pounds and her ac- commodations will include eight staterooms on the cabin deck and an owner’s stateroom on the main deck. Another yacht to be launched this spring is the 148-foot diesel electric boat building for a prominent New York yachtsman whose name has been withheld by the designers. The yacht is unique in that she will be the first diesel-electric pleasure boat ever built. Her propulsion units will consist of a pair of 400-horsepower Cooper-Besse- mer engines connected to two genera- tors furnishing current for the driv- ing motors. In addition, the Bath company is building the yacht HELENE, 149 feet long, for Charles E. Sorensen, chief en- gineer of the Ford Motor Co.; the SEAPINE, 156 feet long, for Mrs. Frank H. Goodyear of Buffalo and the HALonta, 148 feet long, for Charles H. Thorne of Chicago and Pasadena. Trial Trip of Oil Barge Gene & Don on Sept. 5, 1930 MARINE REVIEW—March, 1931 Reconditioned Cabin Liner Completes First Trip The twin screw passenger liner Gpy. ERAL VON STEUBEN of the North Ger. man Lloyd, formerly the MUENCHEN arrived at New York on Feb. 15 on her first trip from Bremen. She was recon. ditioned at the Weser yards of the Des. chimag and her gross registered ton- nage increased from 13,483 to 14,800, She is 527 feet long and 65 feet wide. Her passenger accommodations pro- vide for 214 in the cabin class, 358 in the tourist third cabin and 221 in thira class and her officers and crew num. ber 285 persons. The GENERAL VoN STEUBEN is an oil burning steamer, and is propelled by two reciprocating engines of 31% x 51% x 59 x 59 by 55 inches stroke, each working in conjunction with a Bauer-Wach exhaust steam turbine and developing a combined total out- put of 10,500 indicated horsepower at 86 propeller revolutions per minute. The total output obtainable with the reciprocating engines alone is 8500 indicated horsepower, thus 2000 equi- valent indicated horsepower are gain- ed without any additional expense for fuel. The performance of this vessel will be of interest to shipping circles as the GENERAL VON STEUBEN is the most im- portant of the 19 Lloyd liners that are equipped with combined reciprocat- ing and exhaust steam turbine drive. Award Tank Contract Port of Seattle has awarded to the Commercial Boiler Works, Seattle, contract for constructing three steel tanks, 2000 barrels capacity each, for the storage of cocoanut and wood oils to be built at the port terminals at Smith Cove, Seattle. Increased tank- age is necessary as some of the pres- ent tank capacity is to be utilized for additional fire protection. New Light List Issued A new list of lighthouses, light- ships, fog signals and other aids to navigation upon the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, has just been published by the lighthouse service of the de- partment of commerce. A feature of the 1931 light list is a list of all airways beacons on the Florida coast which are visible from seaward. These lights are described and their geographical position is also given 80 that mariners will not confuse them with the marine navigation lights. The new light list is on sale at the office of the superintendent of documents, Washington, and at nu- merous agencies for charts and light- house publications in all important ports of the country. @