Melntosh & Seymour Corp. Elect New Executive T a meeting of the board of di- A rectors of McIntosh & Seymour Corp. on Feb. 2, R. B. McColl was elected president and director to suc- ceed A. E. Ballin, retired. Mr. McColl was born in Kilmar- nock, Scotland, in 1882, where he at- tended the Kilmarnock academy, and the Science and Art college. After serving a spe- cial appren- ticeship on the G bas ow & Southwest- ern railway at Kt) moar nock, working in all depart- ments, he left the company and was em- ployed by Rob- ert Stephen- son & Sons, I 8-0 Mm o- tive builders, Darlington, Eng., as a draftsman. In 1905, he joined the Montreal Locomo- tive Works Ltd., Montreal, Canada, serving in various capacities and finally as works manager. He left the company in 1917 and was appointed manager of the munition department of the Eddystone Munition Co. where he remained until after the armistice, when he returned to Eng- land as manager of Armstrong Whit- worth Co.’s locomotive department. In January 1922, he returned to the American Locomotive Co. In 1925 he became manager of the Schenectady plant, which position he held until his present promotion. R. B. McColl Well Known Great Lakes Ship Designer Dies N THE death of William H. Land- { grebe on Jan. 16 the marine in- dustry of the Great Lakes suffered a big loss. He had been _ identi- fied with the construction of the va- rious types of vessels peculiar to the Great Lakes and for most of that time was on the staff of the American Ship Building 6. with whi ch he started his career at the Chicago plant in 1896 at ac- tual construc- tion work in that yard. For two years or W. H. Landgrebe more he was associated with the late W. J. Wood, naval architect. of Chi- cago, while engaged in the design and construction of fire tugs, river boats, and other unusual types re- quiring special designing and. super- vision. Mr. Landgrebe came to Cleveland in 1915 to join the drafting force of the American Ship Building Co. and was made chief draftsman in 1918, continuing in that position until his death. During the intensive. ship- building program of the World war, the burden of preparing plans and ordering materials for the hulls of the numerous ships built by the com- pany fell largely upon Mr. Land- grebe’s shoulders. To him is due much of the credit for the vast amount of preliminary work to fa- cilitate rapid production. Elected Grand President At Annual Convention Cs MILTON J. BROWN, past president of Cleveland Lodge No. 4 of the International Shipmas- ters association, was elected grand president of the grand lodge at the annual convention of the association in Mt. Clemens on Jan. 30. Captain Brown had served the unexpired term of the late Capt. Peter Cartwright who died last Oc- tober. Other officers elected wernes: - Capt. Thomas Me- Dougall, Su- perior, Wis., first vice-pres- ident: “C's pt. Melvin Mack- ey, Milwau- kee, second vice presi- dent: Ca pt. John H. Mc- Donald, Ma- rine City, sec- retary: Capt; T.. J...Crockett, Port Huron, treasurer; Capt. O. A. Gentz, Chicago, chaplain; Capt. Wm. McDon- ald, Buffalo, marshal; Capt. Elmer Wolvin, St. Clair, warden and Capt. S. J. Kenworth, Algonac, sentinel. Captain Brown began sailing on the Great Lakes in 1907 as a deck hand on the steamer PrEsQuE Istr of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.’s fleet, Cleve- land, later becoming master of the ship. He has remained in this fleet ever since, being appointed second mate of the steamer PrererR WuiTe in 1913 and master of the ANDASTE in 1922. Dur- ing the past season he commanded the steamer Necaunrer. During the terrific gale of 1913, one of the worst storms in the history of Great Lakes navigation, Capt. Brown was on the steamer PeTeR WHITE when she was battered around for over 30 hours on Lake Superior off Grand island. Capt. M. J. Brown MARINE REview—March, 1931 Wins Promotion on Staff of General Electric Co. ILLIAM A. THORPE who was WY recently appointed assistant to the manager of the Federal and marine department of the General Electric Co. got an early start in the marine world by being born in New Haven, Conn. in 1894. There was still considerable of the tradition of shipbuilding and the clipper ships among the older people in those dys, as New Haven had been a real trading port in the sailing boat “days. ‘Bill, - as ohs is: now n, went through the New Ha- ven, schools and was grad- uated from Sheffield Sci- entific school of Yale uni- versity in 1914 after completing the course in electrical engineering. After gradua- tion he joined the Union Switch & Signal Co., Swissvale, Pa., on rail- road signal work, later leaving to become associated with the Grand Trunk railway in Montreal and later with the New York, New Haven & — Hartford railroad at New Haven. In February 1918 he enlisted in the navy, serving in various capaci- ties and upon his return from France was commissioned ensign as instruc- tor at the navy turbine school at Pittsburgh. With the signing of the armistice he resigned from the serv- ice and entered the employ of the ship propulsion section of the tur- bine engineering department of the General Electric Co., later being transferred to the federal and marine department. In this department he has been closely identified with the merchant marine work and the elec- tric propulsion of the vessels of the Bradley Transportation Co. He is a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- neers and the Yale Engineering as- sociation. Wm. A. Thorpe Dewey L. Pierce, for the past seven years affiliated with the marine bat- tery sales division of the Electric Stor- age Battery Co., Philadelphia, has joined the brokerage department of Henry J. Gielow, Inc., New York. Mr. Pierce, well-known for his part in the development of floating battery Sys- téms for yachts and commercial boats, also has participated in a num- ber of sailing races since 1908. He sailed aboard the Reverie in the Hali- fax races of 1926 and won the Indian Harbor Knockabout class in the Larchmont race series of 1924. 39