GIVE YOUR PASSENGERS AS MUCH HEAT AS THEY WANT > - - - - WHEN THEY WANT FF Give your passengers a comfortable trip that they'll rave about to their friends. It will be good advertising for your line. The RADIANT ELECTRIC HEATER enables passengers to control the heat in their staterooms to their liking—gives a glow of real hospitality. Economical to install. Furnished in various color combinations. Costs just a few cents an hour for current. Write for Full Details — Now ! i | The pie shes Poa < A D l A N T - f F C T R | € Model Volts ‘Rem Frame: 14” Wide—161;" High Lapee ies dea eases Frame: 143%’ Wide—1914”’ High Body: 11 3” Wide—I11 34" High—4” Deep faa a AT F R Bod 123 ” Wid 17%” Hi h: 4! D y: 8 ide—17'4 igh—4” Deep Approved by Underwriters. SUPERIOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY Carnegie, Pennsylvania Vi vied v7, ay = By A f Y ee ) | UA 94 "VY ok a mnie | Al) | i) F CARNEGIE ey al oe Bey WOW ey NA RANT SHIP BUILDING PRODUCTS A complete line of structural steel sections for shipbuilding purposes, including Carnegie Beams with their wide, parallel flanges, shipbuilding channels and bulb angles, Carnegie Floor Plate in a raised pattern insur- he knows he won’t have a balky ing long wear and easy cleaning, and < peg fa spent ae rolled steel plates of every description. fe - pee Se ee ae The name ‘Carnegie’? has been tion. He appreciates SHIP- identified with steel manufacture for MATE dependableness. nearly three-quarters of a century— a good name to look for on Steel. like this ship” The experienced sea cook rec- ognizes his strongest ally in the SHIPMATE. He likes to sign on the ship whose galley is SHIPMATE equipped because THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY CO STAMFORD CONN CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY Subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation MARINE REview—March, 1931 63