Check Ship Refrig eration With 7yvcos Brine-Line Thermometers OR economical operation it is necessary to know exactly the return temperature of the brine from each refrigerated space. Too high or low tem- peratures or sudden fluctuations are indications of irregular operation . . . tell you that something is wrong. Tycos Brine-line Thermometers installed on the return line from each set of coils aboard the ship, give the operator this valuable information. By watching these returning brine temperatures, he has T ycos Industrial a good check on the whole refrigeration system. Thermometers in straight and angle types are made Of course there should also be Tycos Thermometers wore Tee ee on the brine header, feeding brine to the individual fittings for every : : Scolication, refrigerator coils. And many other Tycos Instru- ment Applications. Write for Catalog 300. Taylor [Instrument Companies ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. In Canada In Great Britain Kaylor Instrument Companies Short & Mason, Ltd. of Canada, Ltd., Toronto London, E-17, England Progress in Oil-Tank Ship Construction The “Bracketless-System” (PATENT) a The problem of fresh air on ship- board has many puzzling angles. Allen engineers have solved them all, over and over again, and are ready to give you the benefit of their long experience. ...... Fresh air is free with Allen Turbine Ventilators. They are automatic, self-trimming, run without. power, and the pull of their exhaust is amazing. Our engineers are at your service. Write today for catalog and prices. THE ALLEN CORPORATION 1052 Fourteenth St., Detroit, Michigan ALLEN ventions MARINE REVIEw—March, 1931 Eliminates Bulkhead Brackets Eliminates Bulkhead Leakage Greatly Simplifies Construction Greatly Reduces Cost of Damage Repairs Greatly Reduces Cost of Cleaning Tanks Substantially Increases the Longitudinal Strength Beyond the Well-tried ‘“‘Isherwood System Shipowners are advised to specify that plans and structural arrangements should be approved by SIR JOSEPH W. ISHERWOOD & CO., Ltd. 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK and 4, LLOYD’S AVENUE, LONDON, E. C. 3 1 a Sn, 67