S———s— 72 InDEX Fo ADVERTISERS Alien Corporation../.:....... 67 Almy Water Tube Boiler Co... 62 American Bridge Co.......... 61 American Ship Building Co... 7 Babcock & Wilcox Co....... 74 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Dae Ge ee 11 Boland & Cornelius.......... 70 Carnegie Steel Company..... 63 Charleston Dry Dock & Ma- eiime (6 6 es Sas. 65 Clark Troctractor Co:,..:..... 51 Coen Coin. oe 57 Columbian Rope Co... Front Cover Cooper-Bessemer Corp., The.. 59 Crandall Engineering Co., The 69 Dake Engme Co... ee. 62 Davis Engineering Corporation 60 Dean Brothers Co. 0 FT Diehl Mfg. OG 10 Electric Storage Battery Co... 55 Elwell-Parker Electric Co., The 53 Farley, Edward P. & Co., Inc. 70 General Electric Co.......... 8 Great Lakes Engineering Wks. 12 Griscom-Russell Co., The.... 65 aE Hamburg-American Line..... 62 Hyde Windlass Co... .. Back Cover Isherwood, Sir Joseph W., & Oo tide ie OF Jacques Life Boat Winch Co. 65 Jerguson Gage & Valve Co.... 70 Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co. 71 Lane, C. M. Lifeboat Co., Inc. 60 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. 60 Maryland Dry Dock Co...... 71 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc. 65 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. Inside Back Cover New York Shipbuilding Co... 9 Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, MARINE REVIEW—March, 1931 Ritchie, E. S., & Sons ..:.; .,.. 66 Samson Cordage Works...... 69 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co.... 65 Sperry Gyroscope Co. ;.. 2... 26 Stamford Foundry Co........ 63 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey 62 Star Brass Mic. Cov. 32.7 Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co.... 69 Sturtevant, B. F., Co. . .Back Cover Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.. ©; «.. Inside “Front Cover Superior: Mis. Co.) 3 ae Taylor Instrument Co.’s..... 67 Troy Engine & Machine Co... 3 United Dry Docks, Inc....... 73 Vacuum Oil Co... 2... ee White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O.,Co. 71 Whitlock Cordage Co....... 60, 71