Fairbanks-Morse Diesels chosen for reliability ... Typical instances of the choice of F-M Diesel engines for ser- vice where reliability is paramount are fur- nished by the two yachts illustrated on this page. | Mr. Karl Nibecker of Chicago, owner of the Yacht “Reality” which was built by the Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corporation of Mani- towoc, Wisconsin, specified a 150-hp. Fairbanks-Morse Diesel after an exhaustive study of all prime movers that would be suitable for a craft of this kind. Auxiliary equip- ment includes two F-M Home Water Plants, an F-M Light Plant and a Fairbanks-Morse compressor driven by an F-M “Z” Engine. In refitting the “Ouananiche,” owned by Mr. Hudson, a 150-hp. Fairbanks-Morse Diesel was used to replace the original auxiliary power plant. Recurrence of power failure had impressed the owner with the importance of absolute reliability and the F-M Diesel was chosen because of its unequaled simplicity and enviable record of dependability. _FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., 900 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago Branches and Service Stations in Principal Ports Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Yacht ‘‘Reality’’ in the Chicago Yacht Harbor Yacht ‘“‘Ouananiche’’ refitted with an F-M Diesel Engine os Qo" 4 m : . a 5 ed 4 ys a Oe